
Sunday, April 21, 2013


Fox Hollow Box Bag at Fabric Mutt

Yesterday we had a wonderful time celebrating my niece's third birthday at a family party. Knowing how all the girls love to carry things around in bags and pouches, I decided to pack her present in this little box bag. You can make one for yourself using this tutorial, but I warn you, they're addictive. I've already picked out the fabric to make a few more of these.

Fox Hollow Box Bag at Fabric Mutt

I've been saving a fat quarter bundle of Fox Hollow by Monaluna for something special, and this was it. I love these sweet little prints.

How adorable is that little fox on the zipper tab?!

Our lovely afternoon with family took a sudden turn for the worse just before dinner when my husband cut his hand with a box cutter badly enough that I had to call the paramedics. An ambulance ride, several medical tests, and a few stitches later, we were handed some news that we had not expected: my husband has an irregular heartbeat. It's not necessarily life threatening, but it's still significant and will call for some medical attention in the days to come. If it hadn't been for his accident, we would never have known. Once again we are gratefully reminded that everything happens for a reason...

Linking up to the Let's Get Acquainted Monday Link-up.


  1. Your box bag is adorable especially so with those cute fabrics! I'm so sorry you had such a traumatic event on such a fun day. So fortunate, though that they made this discovery.

  2. Love your bag. Hope your husband recovers from his cut and things go well going forward.

  3. I am glad that he is ok and that you are able to sort the rest out before it is a critical issue. The little bag is very cute.

  4. It is a lovely pouch. I know about emergencies lately as well :-). its all a little unnerving while you wait. I hope things go well for you and your family.

  5. Oh it's just darling! I may have to try one

  6. świetna kosmetyczka!

  7. Such a cute pouch and the tab is fab! I hope your husband gets well soon. Fingers crossed.

  8. What a sweet bag! I'm sorry to hear about your husband's accident, but glad that you all know of a health issue that could have caused problems later. I hope his hand heals quickly!

  9. gorgeous box bag! It is funny how these things happen, I hope his hand is ok and everything is well :)

  10. Prayers to you this week and what a mature perspective on the news!

  11. Your box bag is so sweet. I'm here from Cindy's blog. Your work is wonderful.

    Yes, everything seems to happen for a reason. Good luck with all of his tests.

  12. Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope your husband is back to full health soon, sending you lots of happy thoughts and prayers.

    the pouch is adorable, love that print.

  13. Oh, no - hope all goes well with your husband - thinking of you all! The pouch is adorable!

  14. Great bag! So sorry about the trauma with your husband's hand and the heartbeat news. Thinking of y'all.

  15. best of luck to you and your hubby in the days ahead.

  16. Your bag is adorable. I love the fabric is super cute.
    So sorry to hear about your husband. Best of luck. I hope he gets well soon. I'm sending you lots of good wishes.

  17. Cute bag!

    Wow (about the accident)! That's great you guys found out this way.

  18. Love your bag! Too cute! Praying everything is okay with your Hub!

  19. Gosh bit scary with the hospital trip! Hope all is sorted out quickly for your husband and he's on the mend soon!

    Love the little box bag - so very sweet!

  20. So cute! Great work with the fabric to end up with those foxes on the zipper ends!

  21. I have yet to make one of these bags, but maybe soon I will. Thanks for sharing the tute link. Visiting from Let's Get Acquainted. Have a great day.

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