
Friday, April 19, 2013


As many of you know, my husband teaches advanced history classes for junior high students at a nearby middle school. On Monday, to help the kids get in the right frame of mind for their standardized testing, his school held "Dress for Success Day." My husband and a few of his coworkers decided that this occasion definitely called for bow ties. Rather than spend forty dollars for one at the mall, he asked if I could possibly make one. Martha Stewart had a nice little pattern on her website, and I was able to make two of them for him to use this week. It's really a very easy project if you don't count the part where you turn the tie right side out -- yikes. My husband liked the first two so much that he asked for more, and the dress up day has stretched into a full week as far as he's concerned. Doesn't he look dapper? At the moment, I have a stack of fabric on my desk right now that he picked out which is set aside for bow tie purposes.

I have a few birthday presents to sew this week, and I'm also in the middle of my second Heather Ross improv quilt. The block above is probably my favorite so far. Tomorrow is my niece's birthday party, so I'm off to work on her present...

Linking up to Finish It Up Friday.


  1. Handsome husband and love the improv block.

  2. Dapper indeed! He is lucky to have such a talented personal bow tie maker. :) I love that improv block!! When I first glanced I thought it was baby quilt size and thought what a cute baby quilt it would be. :) Happy Friday Heidi. xo

  3. wonderful bow ties, you definitely scored some great points there :) Oh, and that block ♥♥♥

  4. Heidi,
    Love the bow ties and he does look dapper! And the HR improv is great!
    Have a fun weekend

  5. Ooo, I like the mustard and blue combo. :) One of my students sported a suit (no bow tie, sadly) for his presentation on Tuesday--I saluted his attention to sartorial detail!

  6. Very dapper (such a great word!) and I love your block!

  7. Love your Heather Ross fabric choices.

  8. oh dapper indeed and love that he's picked out a stack of bow tie fabrics! ;-) Darling quilt block too!

  9. Isn't it great to be able to just sew things up like that? Awesome :) He does indeed look v. dapper :)

  10. That quilt block is awesome! Your hubby looks brilliant

  11. Wat a great teacher your husband is to dress up to inspire the students :) I love the improv block :)

  12. *what* I obviously need to learn to spell :)

  13. Please tell me his name is Dan. Love the Bowtie and the enthusiasm for teaching and inspiring kids. I too teach and I know the difference it makes. Your block has also inspired me. I have a pillow to make for a colleague who is leaving after covering a mat leave. Have a great weekend. Now , down to the sewing machine.

  14. Dapper indeed! We need all the inspiration possible during standardized tests!

  15. Love your block...(and the bowtie...)


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