
Monday, April 22, 2013

Name Game

Pop over to Cindy's lovely blog Live a Colorful Life this morning to hear all about how Fabric Mutt got its name. Our interview happened this past winter, so I actually celebrated my first year of blogging at the end of December. Where does the time go?? I can honestly say that I'm enjoying myself more than ever these days, and no small part of that is due to all of you.

Thanks, friends.


  1. I really enjoyed reading the name game post!

  2. That was a fun post over at The Name Game - nice to meet you! I really liked the photo of the quilt with the one off-centered block in the middle!

  3. I never actually looked up what mutt means, lol. To me it was similar to mud. I don't get to use these words too often so excuse my ignorance. I'm not only learning new sewing stuff but new words as well :-)


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