
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cleaning House

There's always this list in the back of my mind of things that I need to tidy up around the blog. This week I was able to get a few things done that I've been meaning to do, and I wanted to let you know about it.

First, where can you find me other than here? I've added the links to my About Me page, but if you're looking for me elsewhere you'll find me on...

Flickr at
Twitter at
Pinterest at 
Email at

Second, after reading all of your wonderful thoughts about what you'd like to see on the blog this year, I decided to create the Links page that I've been meaning to add for a while now. While I may write about some of these topics in the next year, there are some amazingly talented and knowledgeable people out there who have already explained them in full detail, and I'd love to point you in some great directions. I'll be adding to this page from time to time with more links and topics, but for now you can find links to information on...

Beginning Sewing Skills
Color Selection and Fabric
Selling Your Work
Making Bags

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I'm always here!


  1. great idea - I should do this myself one day - ok??

  2. I love your blog. I wish I had known about it sooner, as I would love to sew your vintage holiday quilt. Is there any way I can buy a pattern for it? Also, have you ever considered having your blog posts available by e-mail? Your style is just what a beginning quilter like me needs, calm and easy. Hope to hear from you about a pattern!


Aren't you the sweetest for leaving a comment! Due to all the ads that bombard this section, I have to moderate everything first, but look for your comment to post in a day or two. Thanks so much for writing!