
Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Elephant in the Room

The Cheeky Imposter
Last night I was looking through all the amazing blocks and quilt tops in the Vintage Holiday Flickr group, and I kept seeing this one block that didn't look familiar.  "Gosh," I thought, "I don't remember making that one."

That would be because I didn't.

And because quilters are the nicest people in the world, you were all too sweet to say, "Gee, Heidi, you kind of made the wrong block for number eleven there..."

So tomorrow I will be making an actual block number eleven and finishing my quilt top. And my world will make sense again...


  1. I didn't even notice! :) I still love the "imposter"! I better go double check all of my blocks too! HA!

  2. Too funny... I almost did exactly the same thing! Yours is beautiful either way.

  3. I just got caught up today and hadn't noticed :-). It was a relief to finally be back at the right week. I really loved making these blocks.


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