
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Zakka Mug Rug

This week's Zakka project came in under the wire what with everything else going on this week. I also had a hard time figuring this one out...not because it was a difficult project, but because I just wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it. For starters, I needed a mug rug for a long narrow ledge on my desk where I keep my glass while I'm working (keeping it anywhere below the ledge during the day guarantees that one of the girls is going to reach up to knock it over on my computer). The long shape didn't seem to fit well with the book's design. Between trying to figure out the design, the fabrics, and the colors, I managed to scrap at least a dozen different ideas before settling on this one. I'm not 100% happy with it yet, but it's growing on me.

The fabrics are a mix of scraps by different designers including Sweetwater, Cosmo Cricket, and Denyse Scmidt. I also embroidered some raindrops from the cloud using a few pieces of floss. My favorite side is probably the one with the large raindrops, but I included the rain cloud on the other side so as not to completely neglect the original idea. In any case, my water cup is resting happily on the mug rug as I type, and I have to say -- it looks pretty good.

Have a wonderful Sunday and be sure to stop by here tomorrow. I'll be participating in the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day, and I have my prize package all ready to go. I can't wait to spend some time visiting everyone else's blogs tomorrow -- you will definitely want to check it out!

Linking up to the Zakka Along.


  1. fun way to personalize the project for exactly what you need!

  2. I LOVE your design! Those raindrops are gorgeous and the fabrics are lovely!


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