
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Miss Bear!

My little Bear turns three years old today. Every year I can't believe how much they're growing and how fast time is passing. Miss Bear wanted a cowgirl party this year, so it's been a day filled with straw cowgirl hats, barbecue, and chocolate malted cake. Not a bad day as days go...

For one of her birthday presents, I made Bear a wristlet pouch out of a few prints from Heather Ross's adorable Far, Far Away 3 collection. I have to admit that I'm glad that there was a bit of fabric left over from this project, as I'd like to make a little something for myself from the remnants. The little girl with brown hair in the center of the pouch bears a striking resemblance to my birthday girl, which made me love this print even more.

My daughters are a huge fan of Disney plastic figurines, so we got Bear a set of Mickey Mouse characters -- a perfect fit for the pouch. She loves to carry them around with her, pulling them out to create her own little stories. Now she can do it in style.

Happy Birthday, Miss Bear. Mommy loves you so much.


  1. Parabéns para sua menina e muitas felicidades e alegrias,beijo.

  2. Sounds like you all have had a fun filled day. The pouch id really cute.

  3. Very, very sweet! And Happy Birthday to Bear!


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