
Friday, May 18, 2012


A while back I won a special prize package through a giveaway by Kate Spain herself. She included some sample packs containing 2.5 inch squares of her Terrain and Central Park collections. I've been saving them for something special, and here it is: Watercolor.

Last Wednesday, I pulled all the squares out of their packages and played around with them for a while, finally settling on this simple color spectrum design.  I've always loved the way that Kate Spain integrates such a wide variety of color into her designs, and you can see the result right here. It reminds me of a wash of watercolors on paper. Once I sewed the blocks together, I decided to hand quilt it using a variegated purple thread by Aurifil. I enjoyed the process immensely. You can see the quilting far better in the picture of the back of the quilt, which is a print from the Central Park line. It's bound in Kona Coal.

While I had hopes of featuring a larger quilt for the Bloggers' Quilt Festival, this little mini quilt -- in all its simplicity -- is my entry. It was a delight to make, and it gives me pleasure every time I look at it. I can't think of a better way to represent the hobby that I've loved so much this year.

Update: Linking up to the Kate Spain Blog Hop at Blossom Heart Quilts!


  1. This is lovely. I love the colours, and love your name for it.


  2. Wow, this is completely adoable. I am going to enter a mini quilt too, but I think yours wins hands down. I just love those gorgeous colours.

  3. Beautiful! It does look like a watercolor painting! The colors are very calming.

  4. Love the layout of the colors and fabrics and the backing is pretty as well! Thank you for sharing.

  5. OH goodness me! The back is just as pretty!!

    : )
    via Handmade Parade

  6. What a beauty! You have an amazing eye for color and fabric. I'm your latest follower and I LOVE your blog name. :)

  7. This is really beautiful. I've never been very good at laying our colors for a "spectrum" look so I'm always so impressed when I see quilts like this -- I know that's not easy to do!

  8. Very cute, love seein those handstitches on the back!

  9. It is so beautiful! I love the name, as well!

  10. You have such an eye for color! Super lovely!!

  11. So pretty! I just used Kona coal for a binding for my last quilt! I also am currently putting together a patchwork squares quilt but my squares are not lined up anywhere near as well as yours. Oh, and the handstitching - awesome!

  12. Oh Heidi, it's great! You did a beautiful job of moving through the colours! Thanks so much for linking it up!

  13. Just beautiful. Love the back too.

  14. That is very pretty. Lovely mini!

  15. Your quilt is beautiful! Great simple pattern for those lovely fabrics and colours!

  16. modern and colorful - lovely.

    Hope you visit my blog too,

    margaret gunn

  17. this is so gorgeous. i love simple squares. it is amazing how arrangement like this can make it come to life.

  18. Oh, that's a lovely quilt! I love the colors, and the way you've arranged it. Absolutely gorgeous! Whoop whoop!!

  19. This is just lovely - a perfect entry! Love the mix of Terrain & CP!

  20. A very lovely quilt. I like the gray binding.

  21. Great arrangement of colours. Love the prints and the mini quilt!

  22. It's a perfect representation. A beautiful quilt!

  23. Beautiful colors!

    Stop by for a visit when you have a chance:

  24. It's lovely! I love the gray binding, too - it's a nice compliment.

  25. I am completely in love with this!! I love everything Kate Spain and I also won those packs from her lol - I LOVE what you did!

  26. darling!! lovely prints and colors, and the binding sets it off so nicely. thanks for sharing such a cute thing and have a great day

  27. Heidi vote ,tarde pero vote su colcha es hermosa .

  28. Heidi es numero 167 ,faltan algunas horas todavía se puede votar.Cariños.

  29. New follower, catching up on wider reading following last week's giveaways, and just had to leave a comment on this one - it's totally stunning! Very pleased to have found your blog.

  30. I love how you've used this fabric--gorgeous!

  31. Wow, I never picked how wide a colour range she used! I will have to use this as inspiration for scraps, methinks!!

  32. wow!! that's beautiful, heidi! fun to see all those colors blended together so arranged them perfectly! thanks for linking up to the blog hop. xo


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