
Monday, May 21, 2012

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!



May Giveaway Day is finally here at Sew Mama Sew, and I'm so excited to be a part of it. When I first discovered this fantastic event last December, I had not even started blogging yet, but it was how I found so many of the blogs that I've followed faithfully ever since. Personally I can't wait to sit down with a large glass of iced tea and visit everyone involved in this event. It's going to be a great day!

For those of you who are new visitors to Fabric Mutt, welcome! Below are just a few of the projects I've made in 2012...

Please feel free to look around. I hope you'll enjoy your visit here!

For my giveaway, I'm sharing a scrap pack of Denyse Schmidt prints from several of her collections including Flea Market Fancy. Most of the scraps are large ones, around 10 x 10 inches in size. To enter, all you have to do is leave one comment on this post telling me what you're hoping to sew this summer. I'm looking forward to a little bit of summer sewing time myself...

The giveaway is open internationally and will stay open until Friday, May 25 at 5pm. I'll randomly choose a winner that evening. Please, please, please be sure that you have an email address either attached to your profile or mentioned somewhere inside your comment! I hate to disqualify people who took the time to enter just because I can't get in touch with them!

Thanks so much for dropping by today. Come again!


  1. I'm hoping to sew some dresses for my DD, some shorts for my DS, and some lovely skirts for myself!

  2. These are beautiful fabrics.
    I am hoping to finish my daughter's 18th birthday quilt this summer. It was her birthday last August!!

  3. I think it'll be some cushions for a friend to say thank you.

  4. If I start now, I can get some good table runners ready for Fall. I have to think ahead, don't cha know?

  5. My big summer project is a traditional bavarian dress (dirndl) which I will wear visiting the Oktoberfest :). Love the projects you made especially the bag!

  6. These are beautiful fabrics! I'm hoping to sew at least two dresses, a purse, and a laptop sleeve for myself. I will have to mix in there some tops that have been requested for my teenage daughter. If only I wasn't so slow.....

  7. I hope to sew a quilt for my brother for Christmas this summer so that I am not doing everything at the last minute - again! Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. Yummy fabrics! My next project is an Urban Nine Patch baby quilt!

  9. I'm hoping for some sunny weather and good books to read!

  10. I need to finish my kitchen curtains!

  11. I have a challenge of 12 quilts in 2012 but I think that will be done by the end of the summer.

  12. I'm hoping to start on " my favourite things" quilt by Anni downs, just collecting up the fabrics at the moment.

  13. I am planning to sew a new quilt for our Master Bedroom this summer. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  14. Hoping to get a couple of quilts made. I have a triangle quilt and a Made in Cherry quilt in mind.

  15. I'm hoping to finish the double wedding ring quilt I started using all my scraps!

  16. I'm hoping to sew a bunch of bibs and blankets for our upcoming baby arrival in the middle of summer.

    Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway! love the fabs :-)

    leftcoaster at gmail dot com

  17. I need to finish a quilt for my hubby and my oversized mendocino throw - that is all im expecting to complete this summer because I want to play outside a lot!

  18. I have two lovely friends expecting their first babies in late summer and early fall, so I really really hope this summer brings some baby quilt making! Oh, and I'm really keen (using those babies as an excuse) to try sewing baby shoes. So many plans, so little time!

    Have a great day!

  19. I'll be making some pouches and headbands. Love that fabric.

  20. I'm planning a picnic quilt with a FQ bundle of Denyse Schmidt I'd love to add some of these to my stash. =) Thank you.

  21. i hope to get a few shorts and dresses made for my kids

  22. What a great Give Away!! Thanx for a chance to win. I just got into sewing skirts, so I am hoping to sew loadsa summery skirts, what can I say ;-)

  23. scraps? 10"x10" isn't a scrap. :-D I'm looking forward to finishing some cross stitch projects this summer.

  24. Yay! Thanks! A new project (instead of all the mending I have lined up) would be lots of fun summer dresses. I'm going to get back into contra dancing and I want sundresses with lots of SWIRL in the skirt! :)

  25. I hope to finish the many baby quilts I need to make so I can create something for myself!!!

  26. Love those fabrics! Thanks for stopping by my blog and THANKS for the chance to win this!

  27. I have alot of binding to do along with small projects like zip bags, pillows etc. Thanks!!

  28. Free fabric in bright and fresh colors? Who wouldn't leave comment?!

  29. I'm hoping to finish my first full-size quilt...and after that, I have a whole notebook of ideas to start on next!

  30. A baby on the way...I will sew a blanket or quilt for the little one.

  31. I'm hoping to quilt for charity.

  32. I love your telephone quilt above!! So awesome!

  33. I'm hoping to sew myself a new quilt. I never make any for me and would love to have a new one!

  34. I am hoping to sew some things for my kids, mostly the boy who ever really gets anything as I am usually sewing for the girls! However last night I was asked to make puppets with my kids and their friends.

  35. I am making the Seville pattern by Cluck Cluck Sew for my mom,

  36. I'm hoping to make a new lightweight quilt for my bed this summer

  37. I hope to sew some quilts on my to do list!

  38. Made a vow to sew every day. Calling this year, Peace by Piece.

  39. Hoping to sew a couple "Hug" pillows for my parents and in-laws over the summer. Thanks!

  40. I'm determined to make a circus-theme baby quilt for a friend's first baby this September. I've given myself the summer to make it.

    shel704 at aol dot com

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hi! This summer I am planning to finish a quilt for a friends daughter! I am procrastinating, since I have problems with the quilting on my old sewing machine... Maybe I should handquilt it? Hmmm, maybe so!

  43. I'm hoping to catch up on my Dear Jane! I'm not too behind but don't want to let it get farther behind.

  44. Oh that would be perfect for doing an extra large pillow with paper piecing :-) If I get the weather for sitting out! Thanks for the giveaway

  45. thank you for the chance to win i am hoping to get some of my Christmas sewing done!

  46. Those fabrics are stunning. I'm hoping to make a couple of nice summer dresses and some bags

  47. I would like to make some curtains for my spare bedroom. Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. I'm hoping to finish some throw pillows for my bed and for my mother's bed.

  49. I have alot I need to work on this summer, but I think curtains are pretty high on my list. I have one of them done! Thanks for the giveaway!

  50. I'm hoping to figure out how to make dresses for my girls. I've done a couple of skirts, so I'm working my way up to it!

  51. This summer I'm hoping to make a dent in my ever-expanding WIP pile/heap, but especially the granny squares quilt I'm making as a new-baby-gift for some friends of ours! Thanks for the chance to win!

  52. You have made some amazing things this year! WOW! I'm hoping to make a log cabin quilt for my new baby this summer.

  53. I hope to do alot of applique work this summer outside sitting on the terrasse. At the moment weather here in France is horrible, rain and again rain!!!!!

  54. i think i'll be able to finish my first full size quilt sometime soon. i'm very excited!

  55. I can't believe you only been blogging since after December! Way to go :)

    I hope to keep working on inventory for my Etsy store this summer, so lots of little coin purses, wrist cuffs, headbands and tote bags.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  56. thanks for the giveaway!
    i love your blog!

  57. I look forward to sewing matchy dresses for my girls

  58. I want to sew a dress for myself for this summer (so actually I have to sew this before summer starts)

  59. I'm looking forward to the start of the Fat Quarter Shop mystery block of the month which will start in June

  60. I'm hoping to sew a dress by the end of summer. I'm super excited and filled with a bunch of ideas :]


  61. Thanks for the giveaway!

  62. Thanks for the Giveaway
    thanks for the chance

  63. Well I am just planning of staying sane throughout the summer with both kids home. And some camping too.

  64. I can't wait to start my Retro Flower quilt. Unfortunately, I have to wait until June because the fabric I want to use is not out yet !!

  65. Thanks very much for the giveaway. The fabrics are really cute. This summer, I'm working on finishing a few garments for myself, including a dress to wear to my cousin's wedding, and a few things for my daughter and son. Also, the random serendipity project as they come along...

  66. I usually sew for my daughter. However, this summer I want to sew at least one piece of clothing for me!


  67. Hi :-) this summer I would like to make my first full sized quilt! I have it all mostly cut out, just need to get sewing! :-)
    Love your scraps :-) thanks for the chance to win x

  68. I'd love to sew a quilt this summer, but I'll be happy to accomplish some bibs and burp cloths and maybe a lovey for my pregnant BFF!

  69. i'm hoping to sew a quilt for my bed...fingers crossed on that one

    anniecbates at gmail dot com

  70. I'm hoping to finish a couple of quilts, and some simple clothes for my kids.

  71. I am hoping to sew several bags and doll quilts for Christmad.

  72. One thing I want to sew for sure is tiny curtains!!

  73. Planning to sew some bags and dresses and finish three quilts I started.

  74. I hope to complete some of the quilts I have been working on this summer. I love the idea of completing a few projects.

  75. I'm really hoping to start a hand sewing project. It would be nice to take something along to the park or pool this summer. Maybe some English paper piecing? I'll see. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  76. I'm hoping to make at least one quilt for me.

  77. I'm working on a king quilt.

    rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com

  78. I'm hoping to get a couple of quilts and a couple of table runners done. Thanks for the giveaway!

  79. I've got a few baby gifts to sew up, plus a quilt and some holiday table runners I'd love to sew and have ready for the upcoming year!

  80. I've got plans for summer skirts and dresses for the daughter!

  81. I hope to make at least one quilt. I am having a baby soon though, so I'd be happy with at least getting started on one :)

  82. I'm hoping to sew one quilt this summer! thanks for the giveaway!

  83. I'm hoping to start and finish my Swoon quilt.

  84. I hope to spend a lot of time camping and the rest sewing!

  85. I am hoping to make some serious progess on my Farmer's Wife quilt this summer!

  86. I hope to sew some clothes this summer and also hopefully start a quilt for my youngest.

  87. I have two quilts I have to make and my multiple quilts in progress I would like to finish.

  88. I love to make baby quilts as gifts and "everyone" I know is expecting a baby so those are my sewing projects! Thanks for chance to win! (EMAIL: marshudson at comcast dot net)

  89. I hope to sew my shaggy 'frog' quilt this summer.... and my Mod Sampler....and my green-grey-teal-turquoise top.... I'm going to have a busy sumerm :)

  90. My little sister is pregnant and I'm really hoping for a girl. So I HOPE I'm making loads of cute frilly dresses this summer!

  91. It's winter here in Aus, so I'm getting out the vintage woollen blankets that I have hoarded away and sewing new modern binding on them all. Can't get the quilter out of me!

  92. Oh I've seen your fabulous little quilted kitchen before- on Pinterest I think. It's beautiful!
    Great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
    ellisonlane (at) gmail (dot) com

  93. I am hoping to do a bunch of English paper piecing while the kids swim this summer!

  94. My kids are quite young, so my sewing time is VERY limited. I will be lucky to get some lunch bags and accessories made for next school year.

  95. I'm hoping to sew some more bags and at least one or two fun quilts. :D

  96. Hello! I am hoping to sew some birthday banners. Thank you!

  97. Those are amazing fabrics. I will probably spend my summer helping my daughter sew a skirt or two-she wants to learn and what better way to do it than help her learn. Thank you for the chance!!!

  98. Hoping to sew a quilt for each of my sons! Thanks for the chance to win.

  99. A dress for my little girl for sure.

  100. Eu sou sua seguidora e gosto do que vejo.Costura verão e nas quatro estações sempre,mas o meu vício são os hexágonos,fácil de fazer e carregar para onde

  101. I hope to try to make my first quilt top this summer. Thank you very much for a chance to win. :)

  102. im hoping to do a lot of sewing this summer, goodness knows i didnt do much last summer!

  103. I really want to make a quilt for my oldest son. I made one for the baby a year ago, and now it's my 6 year-old's turn! :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  104. I'm hoping to make some cushions for our couch. Thanks for the chance to win!

  105. I'm hoping to make my brother a quilt to go of to college with. And get started on a wedding quilt for my best friend!

  106. I need to sew my sister's wedding quilt & hopefully a few small things so that I can finally open the online shop I've been talking about (but too chicken to do anything about) for a couple years now!

  107. Quilts! As many as I can get done!

  108. I am planning on making a beach quilt in sea glass colors...I guess I should try to get it done before summer eh?

  109. Summer is such a busy time for me. My husband and I take a group overseas on a missions trip. We run two weeks of summer camp for a camp meeting I also have my grands for a few weeks. I do hope to get to keep up with the Zakka Sew Along and i want to make my daughter some skirts. Thanks for the giveaways.

  110. I need to finish the quilt top for my daughters quilt. I was supposed to do that last summer. if i don't do it this summer she is going to be very mad at mommy. not good.

  111. This summer I would love to make a purse I have everything for two purses I just haven't done them yet.

  112. I'd like to finish my spider web quilt top and hopefully also make a baby quilt for each of the new babies expected among my friends and family this summer!

  113. I think I might try sewing more clothes for my daughters.

  114. i'm planning on shorts for my son and to tackle the dreaded zipper...

  115. I am hoping to try a skirt for myself. Thanks for the chance in your giveaway.

  116. Can't wait to get started on a quilt for a good friends new baby. Love making those baby quilts!

  117. I have several quilts on my list for this summer!

  118. I'm hoping to sew a few things for my little guy due in late August. Or for his big sister! Thanks for the giveaway!

  119. I'm hoping to sew up some casual summer skirts for my daughter and a couple of sun hats for a new babe. thanks for the chance to win.

  120. I am hoping to finish some quilt tops i have (layer/back/bind).

  121. I just want to sew my summer away..every day something :)

  122. I have dozens of WIPs that I hope to plow through. I hope I can get a few baby blankets done before the kids get to preschool! :) Thanks for the chance to enter!

  123. I'm hoping to finally use my Echo fabric to make a quilt this summer.

  124. I'm hoping to finish my wedding quilt this summer (hopefully because the wedding is in October, lol!)

  125. I am working the Handstitched class at Stitched in Color, so that will include a quilt that will be made through the summer. I also want to make a quilt specifically for picnics/laying out in the sun. I'm also starting a wonky star quilt soon here for an engagement present after I did a small sample quilt top to practice it first, and I'm hoping to have it done by mid August!

  126. I'm hoping to finish my Christmas embroidery and make a quilt out of the Bella fabric I got at market. Thanks for the giveaway!

  127. Que hermosos tejidos. Acá es invierno y comencé a cortar algunos bloques. Pero mis hijas necesitan camisetas para el frió así que quedaran para el fin de semana.Regalo apreciado.Gracias por la oportunidad.

  128. I'm planning to make some basic clothing for my daughter - shorts and leggings and tunics that can last into fall.

  129. I'm planning a Dresden Plate Quilt in Flea Market fabric...thanks for the chance

  130. I'm hoping to sew some toddler pants for my friends' babies.

  131. I'm hoping to sew a wedding quilt this summer.

  132. I'm planning to perfect my "picnic kit" lol. :)

  133. NMot summer here but coing in Winter and I just want to catch up and finish UFO's

  134. I haven't even finished last summers list yet I have no business making a new one. What was on that list anyway my sons Bob Marley quilt a July 4th table runner for DIL, pj pants for DH A quilt for a nephew who is in Collage this was supposed to be his high school graduation gift..he graduated in 2011. Love3 the fabrics thanks for the chance to win them

  135. I need a new apron, hoping I get time to sew it.

  136. I have some quilts planned for the summer.

  137. hopeing to get time to sew something for me!

  138. I'm cutting out blocks for a queen size quilt for our bed. Hope to get it finished this summer so we can use it this fall. Thanks for the giveaway.

  139. I'm planning to make a bunch of small/tiny tote bags for my nephews and nieces.

  140. I'm hoping to find a dress pattern that works well for my body and make a slew of summer dresses. :)

  141. I am really hoping to get in a top or two for myself.

  142. i love the things you have made...this prize is wonderful...count me in...mamdaray(at)bigpond(dot)com

  143. I'm hoping to make a quilt for our bed, will be my biggest project yet.

  144. I hope to make 2 baby blankets!!

  145. I hope to finish my first quilt! and hopefully sew some pretty summer dresses x

  146. I hope to start the AMH prism quilt soon! Thanks for the chance!

  147. This summer I'm hoping to finish two sampler quilts for gifts, and a couple of new dresses for myself! Thanks so much for participating in Giveaway Day!

  148. I am hoping to sew a quilt for my bed this summer! It's time to do something for me isntead of giving everything away!

  149. I have so many sewing plans for the summer! But mostly cute little dresses for my baby. These fabrics are so cute - thanks for the chance!

  150. I'm hoping to mainly finish off some WIPs. The number i have is getting a bit embarrassing now...

  151. I need to get on with some skirts and dresses for me and the kid. I would love to find time for a quilt or three. Thank you!

  152. What a lot of things you have done.They are all lovely. I am hoping to make bags.

  153. Lovely fabrics! I'm going to make a baby quilt and hopefully a dress for me.

  154. would love to make my girls matching aprons!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  155. I'm hoping to finish my Civil War Quilt this summer. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  156. I want to sew summer dresses, tops and skirts

  157. I plan on making bunting for our festival tent!

  158. My daughter asked for a skirt, so that's on my to do list!

  159. I'm hoping to sew a giant picnic quilt. I'm sick of using our boring old beach blanket.

  160. I'm hoping to sew some clothes for myself and some throw pillows for our living room!

  161. i have so many crafty plans for this summer. hope i can get to them all!

  162. I hope to finish up my Patchwork Prism quilt! I am falling a little behind right now. So much cutting! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  163. I have my large granny squares quilt to finish hand quilting and also a red and pink HST quilt top to stitch together. I love your projects, great color style!

  164. I have the tops done for a couple quilts and would really love to get the entire quilt done this summer. We'll see! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  165. This summer, I'm hoping to finish about 40 WIP's, lol! Great giveaway!

  166. I have a huge list! a tova top for me, skirts for baby girl, ironing board cover and so. many. quilts!

    hannah dot kitching at hotmail dot co dot uk

  167. This summer I am FINALLY making a quilt for us! Thanks for a great giveaway.

  168. id love to get a few summer dresses done for myself :)

  169. I am hoping to sew my first dress this summer.

  170. I really want to make a christmas quilt this summer :)

    Julia @ Stars&Sunshine
    starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com

  171. I am mid skirt for my DD and have promised my son a bowling shirt. Past that I don't know.

  172. I'm hoping to sew myself a new bag!

  173. Oh, the list is so long, I don't know where to start. My biggest hope is to get some more pattern's sewn up. I have so many ideas and just not enough time to get them all put together :)

  174. I'm planning to finish a new quilt for our queen-size bed -- my largest project yet!

  175. I have so many things to finish this summer. I have pieced 2 tops for my daughter and mother that need to be quilted, as well as 3 baby quilts that will be 'due' in September, and last but most important, a quilt for my son who is moving into his own apartment in July. Sigh...I'm tired just from typing it

  176. Hoping to start a quilt for our bed. I've never made anything larger than a lap quilt so it'll be an adventure.

  177. I'm hoping to finish my Halloween quilt and start (and finish) a lap quilt for my niece so I have a Christmas gift done!

    many thanks...
    lwghosts at yahoo dot com

  178. I'm hoping to sew a hopscotch quilt for my goddaughter so she can play on the grass, indoor or anywhere she likes.

  179. I'm hoping to finish quilts for all 3 of my kids' beds.
    thanks for a great giveaway!

  180. I'd love to get some pouches made and put in my Etsy shop!

  181. I'm looking forward to sewing my first ever quilt this summer! Closely followed by my second, third... I can tell already I love this quilting thing!

  182. I'm hoping to sew some summery skirts and tops for myself. I'm sure I'll squeeze in a bag or two as well! My sewing list is always long, but I couldn't be happier. ;o)

  183. I want to finish a charity quilt I'm making for 'Siblings Together'

  184. I would like to make an ABC mat for my boys, a new skirt for me, maybe some baby gifts for a few friends having babies.

  185. Hi Heidi! What a sweet gift you have here-I see all kinds of goodies in your stack! I'll be working on some bee blocks, swoon, and x and + blocks this summer-I hope!

  186. I'm hoping to sew myself a new bag, and maybe sew something for my new niece.

  187. I want to make a quilt for me (!) and a dress for my daughter :)

  188. I'm hoping to finish up thre WIP's this summer, two quilts and a wall hanging. Thanks for the chance to win some fun fabrics.

  189. Your projects are phenomenal - I wish I'd been that productive so far this year... I'm hoping to sew a lot of curtains for my new house this summer, and hopefully I'll get to doing other things as well... xo

  190. I want to finish a summery quilt before the summer is over!

  191. Love that fabric line, can't wait to get some for myself! thanks, Jera

  192. I'm really hoping to sew my queen sized granny squares quilt this summer. I have all my squares cut but haven't had time to actually start piecing them yet. Soon!

  193. my summer sewing project is to make a baby quilt for my tattoo artist's baby. they are naming her magnolia so i'm going to sew her a magnolia quilt. i'm super excited about it!

  194. I'd like to make a few skirts for myself and maybe a lap quilt for my mom.

  195. im hoping to build my quilting skills. I'm giving up hope for making Too much for mydaughter since she is in a "I hate dresses" stage. I guess I need to break out the pants and shorts patterns!

  196. I would like to sew more clothes for my girls, they are growing so fast!


Aren't you the sweetest for leaving a comment! Due to all the ads that bombard this section, I have to moderate everything first, but look for your comment to post in a day or two. Thanks so much for writing!