
Monday, April 9, 2012

Third Time's the Charm

I never feel like spring has really started until Easter has come and gone. We had a wonderful celebration at church yesterday and a sweet day with family at home afterward. My dear husband even gave me a few hours to sew. I spent the time working on the last of three Castle Peeps quilts for my daughters' toddler beds. I went round and round with myself on what to do for a design, and after sitting on the floor playing with charm squares for half an hour, I finally came up with this variation on a double nine patch. I like the way the squares almost look like slices of a sushi roll. The blocks were quick and easy to piece, and I got as far as sewing the top row of squares together before it was time to quit. I'm hoping to get the quilt top finished today. We'll see how much the kids let me work this afternoon...

Hope you all had a happy Easter weekend! Linking up with Manic Monday.


  1. Hey there I tried to email you and the link was broken, you won something on my blog for the zakka along :)

  2. Oh my I love that quilt block! Squee I wish i had me some castle peeps but I am such a fabric hoarder I am trying to use up stash before I can buy more!

  3. Love this idea! I am always looking for something cute and quick for Project Linus quilts. This will be great!

  4. Ooo I am liking what you have come up with Heidi.


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