
Friday, April 6, 2012

Zig Zag Bag

Rule number one in following any sewing pattern: read the directions thoroughly before you start.

Guess who didn't follow rule number one this week?

Despite a near catastrophe due to my failure to pay attention to the directions for the Zakka Style Sew-a-Long's Zig Zag Bag, I was able to turn out a fairly respectable product yesterday afternoon. Those of you who are familiar with the original will notice that the zig zags are actually bigger than they're supposed to be, but we won't talk about that... The bag looks deceptively simple, but there was a lot more work to it than I was expecting. This was my first time working with both linen and fusible interesting experience. My sewing machine wasn't crazy about either of them at first, but I learned how to make it work. All of the fabric is from JoAnn's this time -- Denyse Schmidt prints and grey linen for the outside, and an unknown grey and white houndstooth that I found in the remnant bin for the inside.

I already took the bag for a test drive last evening, and I'm a fan. It makes a great little book bag, which will definitely come in handy around here.

Linking up to Finish It Up Friday, Sew & Tell Friday, and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. You did a GREAT job! That bag was a bit of a beast, but SO cute! Denyse Schmidt makes some LOVELY stuff! Your bag look AWESOME!! :D

  2. Super cute bag. Triangles are always a headache, but your came out beautifully!

  3. cute bag, I'm going to start on mine soon, too. I just got the book in the mail yesterday and I'm so excited. Yours looks fantastic, love your fabric choices.

  4. The bag turned out really cute! I've never used fusible batting either. Am I missing out on something fabulous?

  5. I think you did a great job, Way to tackle that bag. There are a lot of steps and you are right, looks are deceiving I too thought it would be easy :)

  6. Cute bag, Heidi! I would never have known that you had a near catastrophe!

  7. Rules Schmules. Lovely job, and I LOVE that lining material.

  8. It looks great! I especially like the houndstooth on the handles.

  9. So cute! I had the same problem with the directions. oops. I spaced cutting my squares twice into quarter triangles and did hst. Lesson learned! lol


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