
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Under the Weather

Rain is pouring outside my windows as I type. Inside, the girls and I sit sniffling in the family room with assorted colds and, in my case, a touch of flu. Not ideal sewing conditions, I'm afraid, so I don't have much to share today. Yesterday I started work on my project for the Modern She Made Swap -- you can see my fabric choices for that above. It's been a fun challenge so far. I'm also nearly finished with the house pouch for this week's Zakka Style Sew Along project; I should have some pictures in a day or two. My Castle Peeps quilt tops are all draped along the upstairs banister, sending me silent guilt signals every time I see them. I really hope to get those done by the end of the month. For the moment, though, the most I seem to be able to handle is curling up next to my daughters on the couch under a quilt while we watch cartoons. Hey, there are worse ways to spend a day...

Linking up to Work in Progress Wednesday.

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Aren't you the sweetest for leaving a comment! Due to all the ads that bombard this section, I have to moderate everything first, but look for your comment to post in a day or two. Thanks so much for writing!