
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mr. Bear Kit

Mr. Bear Child's Toy Kit by Fabric Mutt

One of my husband's coworkers has a daughter who is turning one this week, so my husband asked if I could make something that we could bring as a birthday gift to the party on Saturday. I've been just itching to use the Mr. Bear print from Sarah Jane's new Let's Pretend collection, and this was my chance. May I present the Mr. Bear Kit.

Mr. Bear Child's Toy Kit by Fabric Mutt

Mr. Bear is made exactly like Mopsy, Bunny's tooth pillow which I shared with you last month. I love making these little stuffed friends. They're so quick and easy to put together, and they're the perfect size for small hands to snuggle. I sewed a little pillow and quilt for him along with a bag to hold it all. It was so much fun putting this kit together in the sewing room today.

Mr. Bear Child's Toy Kit by Fabric Mutt

I love including a handmade bag or pouch with a gift. It's great to have a place to store the toys inside, and kids love carrying things around with them everywhere they go. My daughters do it constantly.

Mr. Bear Child's Toy Kit by Fabric Mutt

I hope this little guy will be a good friend to the birthday girl.

Linking up with Sew Cute Tuesday & Fabric Tuesday.


  1. That is the cutest, Heidi! :D I love it. xo

  2. Oh my! I want one for myself!! What a fabulous gift - I can imagine a little girl being overcome with delight when she opens it!!

  3. Oh it's so cute! Isn't Sarah Jane the best! I love this line too!

  4. What little girl wouldn't love it! It's so so cute!

  5. That is adorable Heidi! Such a lovely gift and such a lucky girl! Enjoy your summer!

  6. It is so adorable! She is going to love it!

  7. Heidi, this is darling. The birthday girl is sure to love it.

  8. I think I am falling in love with that Mr. Bear fabric.

  9. oh my what a cute gift set! I love the fabric...may need to add it to my wishlist for my little girl!

  10. aaaw!!! how totally adrable!!!

  11. What a great idea! Love the fabrics, as well. I'm sure she will play with it for years to come.

  12. Love that little kit! What a great gift :)

  13. So cute. You are sweet to bring something handmade.

  14. That is seriously the most adorable gift!

  15. that is too cute! what a great little gift.

  16. Was on the Plum and June blog hop! Love Mr Bear and his fun accessories! Lucky little birthday girl!

  17. I love Mr Bear!!! I might have to make one...for myself!


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