
Friday, June 7, 2013

A Little Vacation

The last time we spent a vacation in a hotel, I was pregnant with Mouse, Bunny was a hyper preschooler, and Bear still had to be carried around everywhere. In fact, the entire memory is one intense blur of much so that I was a little hesitant about trying that sort of thing again. A few months ago, though, we decided to take the plunge and schedule a mini vacation of two nights in Carlsbad during this first week of June so that we could take the girls to Legoland.

I'm happy to say that it was a great experience all around. My girls (ages 2, 4, and 6) are exactly the right age for this park. Bunny and Bear could do almost everything in there, and Mouse was happy enough to watch what she couldn't do. Though it's not quite up to the production level of Disneyland -- and honestly, what else is? -- it's a great place to take kids who are 10 and under. Having been obsessed with Legos myself as a child, I was particularly fond of the Miniland U.S.A. section in the center of the park which features sculptures of various cities across the country.

And as a former Star Wars nerd back in my teenage days -- the original trilogy only though, mind you -- I was just a little excited about the movie sculptures in the park as well. I didn't get photos of everything, but if you want to see more, the L.A. Times has a great photo gallery here.

So really there wasn't much time left over for sewing this week. However I do have a quick project from a short while back, a pouch that I made as a gift for Carla who writes the lovely blog Grace and Favour. I absolutely love the projects that she has in progress right now, particularly her alphabet hexagons and Green Tea & Sweet Beans quilt. You should definitely stop by for a look.

The pouch is covered in some of my favorite scraps, paired with yarn dyed essex linen in leather, and lined in one of Denyse Schmidt's latest prints from her new Blossom Reel collection. I had so much fun putting this piece together.

I'll be back on Saturday with a special guest advice post to help kick off the Let's Get Acquainted New Blogger Blog Hop. See you then!

Linking up with Finish It Up Friday.


  1. It's a gorgeous pouch and Legoland looks like a fabulous place for a vacation. I have a little girl who would love it.

  2. Gorgeous pouch! I would love to visit Legoland, my cousin just built a VW campervan! so cool!

  3. Very cute pouch--the inclusion of the low volume prints moves the eye on the patchwork. I like the lining--haven't surfed the DS shelf at Joann's lately, just be time to take a look.

  4. As always your pouch is beautiful :-) And great to see photos of Legoland - we are hoping to go to the newly opened one in Malaysia in July on our summer vacation - my boys are 9 and 6 so I really hope they enjoy it.

  5. beautiful pouch! and love the legoland picture! i wonder if they have a star wars world in the one in denmark, too. loved going there as a kid as it's the closest to my home :)

  6. We love, love, love Legoland. Took the boys on a grand adventure a few years back...we did it all! San Diego Zoo, the beach, Legoland...then drove up to LA to take in Disney and California Adventure. We had so much fun.

  7. Glad vacation time was fun!

  8. Looks like you had a great time! And that pouch is adorable!

  9. Love the pouch! And AMEN on only the original trilogy of Star Wars. Jar Jar Binks was an abomination, and I can't stand what's-his-name who plays the future Darth Vadar. Ugh. Horrible.

    Oh, sorry. What a fun vacation. I used to work at a hotel in Carlsbad, many moons ago. I'd love to take my kiddos back to explore Legoland, but it would be quite a hike for us! Glad you had a great time!

  10. My kids would love Legoland! Looks like fun!!

  11. We all need a little down time! Glad it was fun. I love my pouch, and the fabrics that were in it! Thanks so much Heidi. I'm thinking I will use it to keep the soft dolls in I am making for my grand girls ; ) all the little clothes etc. won't get lost that way. Hugs

  12. yay for wonderful vacation times!!! Your pouch looks fantastic.

  13. What a fun vacation! I can't wait to take my kids there someday. The pouch is totally adorable. I love all the fabrics you chose.

  14. Lovely pouch! And I think my sons (in their 20's!) would love Legoland!!

  15. It looks like you had a lot of fun on your vacation! I would like to take my girls there someday. I wish my youngest daughter traveled better but she doesn't!

  16. Looks so fun! I've been wanting to take the kids too. And thanks for the info on the blog hop-I signed up too!

  17. That pouch is seriously cute! There's a Legoland near London, about 3 hours away from where I live, and I went there once about 5 years ago :) It was quite fun!

  18. I love your daughters little sunhats. Sew very cute. Have fun!

  19. love the pouch and legoland! SO exciting!

  20. Legoland looks great fun! What a pretty pouch, and i love your zipper hardware, the glasses are so cute! :o)

  21. That zipper! Holy cow, I'm obsessed. That detail absolutely makes this bag! Awesome job!


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