
Friday, May 10, 2013


Giveaway Week has come to an end once again, and after 1,143 comments -- a new record here at Fabric Mutt -- we have a winner: Calvin & Carolyn. Thanks so much to all of you who commented, followed, and came back for another look after the initial hoopla died down. You made my week! And speaking of making my week, I went into Joann's to pick up some interfacing tonight and walked right into a display of Denyse Schmidt's new collection of Blossom Reel. I'm telling you, the bolts of fabric just started jumping into my cart. I was (barely) able to limit myself to the stack you see above.

A busy weekend lies ahead. I have a garage to finish cleaning, furniture to move, and a dumpster to fill. Not quite the usual Mother's Day weekend, but it feels good to get this stuff done, and Sunday is still scheduled to be a day of happy rest. I am so looking forward to it...


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm so excited! I never thought I would win! Thanks so much. I am new to blogging, in case you don't have my email it's

  2. Congratualtions to the winner. Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

  3. Congrats to Carolyn, those new DS prints look great! :o)


Aren't you the sweetest for leaving a comment! Due to all the ads that bombard this section, I have to moderate everything first, but look for your comment to post in a day or two. Thanks so much for writing!