
Saturday, May 11, 2013


bunny tooth pillow at fabric mutt

I never got around to showing you the little tooth pillow I made for Bunny when she lost the first one a while back. A few Marmalade charm squares, a scrap of grey linen, stuffing, and a Sharpie marker are all the ingredients involved here. This was a super quick finish that night after the first tooth came out, but it did the job just fine. Today after much drama -- losing a tooth is such a big deal when you're six years old -- tooth number two came out as well. Mopsy the tooth pillow was instantly on call, the tooth was bagged and stuffed in the front pocket, and Bunny is now counting the hours until tonight when she gets another quarter. "I'm going to be rich!" she keeps saying excitedly, clutching Mopsy to her chest in a hug.

Are kids cute or what?


  1. Aw. That is so cute! (Mopsy AND your daughter)

  2. So cute - both Mopsy and Bunny.

  3. Mopsy is fantastic!! My son has his first wiggly tooth, he might ned a Mopsy too!!

  4. That's adorable! Love your Mopsy!!

  5. Awww - that is the cutest tooth bunny I have ever seen!!

  6. When my older daughter lost her first teeth, her younger sister said she should start pulling her teeth with pliers so she could "make some money". hehe, I haven't thought about that in years.

  7. Too precious!!! This would also make a cute pincushion!

  8. This is adorable and I love the story! My kids were the same way when they started to loose their teeth.


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