
Monday, February 4, 2013


cathedral window linen pillows

So here are the results of my adventure in the world of cathedral windows. The pillow on the left was my first attempt which you saw in yesterday's stop on the Something New Sampler blog hop, and all of the windows were sewn by hand. The pillow on the right was today's little experiment -- I wanted to see what it was like to sew these by machine. Boy was there a difference. Doing these by machine takes about a quarter of the time, and the windows look so much more stable to me. If you're on the fence about doing cathedral windows because of the time investment, definitely take the machine route.

I've been planning on making a pillow that my husband can use to support his back when he's relaxing in the evenings. Though he insisted that he hated the idea of having my hard work sandwiched between him and the chair where no one could see it, I thought that the colors in this block were manly enough for a guy's pillow. I really love the way these quiet Timber & Leaf prints are set off by the chocolate brown linen. They almost remind me of watercolor paintings.  I have a good amount of this collection left over, and I'm looking forward to making something else with this fabric in the next few months.

I was able to purchase a wonderful scrap pack of Katie Jump Rope a few weeks back, which I absolutely love. They seemed to be the perfect prints for another small set of cathedral windows, and I'm so happy with the way they turned out. With all the cheerful colors and that border of natural Essex linen, this pillow just looks like a little glimpse of summer to me.

And the back -- I'm just crazy about this print, which I was also able to pick up online.  God bless the fine people at Etsy. What on earth did we do before they came along?

My final verdict on cathedral windows? Try it at least once, preferably by machine...unless you have way more time on your hands than I do.

Linking up to Fabric Tuesday.


  1. Love x eleventy billion! Both pillows look just fabulous though I have to say I just love that strip of windows down the black cushion. Gorgeous!

  2. Oh wow Heidi these are just stunning!! They showcase all your hard work with the Cathedral windows perfectly, you must be thrilled. And how lovely of you to make one for your husband, and him not wanting to squash it!

  3. I made my first Cathedral Window Pillow as a present for my mom at Christmas. They are time consuming but the outcome is so stunning. I loved the one I gave my mom and really think I need to get started on a couple for us. Great job on yours, can't wait to see the next one!

  4. These are both awesome, Heidi!!! I love the linen "framing" the going to have to try it myself!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous, I love them, so is the new machined cushion for you?? : )

  6. Love your pillows - I'm really looking forward to one day making a cathedral project.

  7. Your pillows both look awesome! I love cathedral windows. Putting just a few on a pillow is a good idea - a whole quilt would take forever!

  8. I opened your post on reader, and immediately said, "Wow!" at my first sight of the pictures, Heidi. (G. came running over to check it out!)Gorgeous. Not just the cathedral windows, but the color choices, the choices of pillow styles/shapes, and the finishing touches of the stitching. I want one! Well done.

  9. pretty, pretty!!! love the catedral windows and the project you made with them!

  10. O wow! I really love both of these! Great job! Your technique is spot on! I'm really liking the the lighter one with the green backing. The stitched edge gives it a "piped" feel without the piping. Neat! Shall have to try.

  11. I really like the cathedrals set like that. Very modern.

  12. I did a whole table runner for my MIL with cathedral windows. By machine. Very tedious. Don't know if I will work with them again:) My MIL's reaction was definitely worth all that work!!

    The linen choices are fabulous on those two pillows. Your hubby is going to love his and who's to say he is going to be covering it up all day anyhow?! Just kidding!

  13. Wow Heidi - those are gorgeous!

  14. Those cathedral windows look fantastic! Well worth your effort- another thing I will do -- one day...

  15. I've always had an affinity for cathedral windows and these pillows are just beautiful, you did an amazing job! The idea of making a lumbar pillow is a great idea, I will have to make one for my quilting chair. I'm so glad I found your blog through the linky party, the title and your logo is super cute :)

  16. Those pillows are SO pretty! Cathedral windows always look so cool... it almost makes me want to try. Someday :D Hopefully someday soon!

  17. They are so pretty. Well worth the effort. You did a great job with this two beauties.

  18. Wow they both look great! There was a sewalong for cathedral windows last year and i got as far as reading the instructions and then bottled out, it seemed too complicated for my novice skills! One day... :o)

  19. Really enjoyed your Cathedral Window tutorial and love the cushions you've made with them :)


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