
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Patio Place Mats

After taking a few days to find my way back from the fog of vacation, I finally got my sewing machine out last night and started work on a new project. A few months ago I bought several yards of Maude Asbury's adorable Crabtastic line for Blend Fabrics with a picnic quilt in mind. Now that we've set up the patio so nicely, however, I think we're far happier eating at the table. And you know what that mats!

When we enjoy a dinner on the patio, it always involves paper plates, plastic silverware, and paper towels for napkins. After all, we're a messy crowd, and who really wants to do dishes anyway? Unfortunately, paper products have the unfortunate side effect of blowing away with the wind that always seems to be breezing through our backyard in the evenings. My solution? Place mats with pockets for everything.

It took me only a few hours to cut and sew a set of seven mats (Mouse won't be needing hers for a while yet since she's still in the high chair, but I figured that I might as well make it now along with the others.) I wrote up a tutorial for these also which I'll be putting in a separate post. If you end up making some for yourself, be sure to add a photo to my Flickr group. Now that these are done, I have them all loaded up with utensils for the next patio cookout. I'm thinking maybe tomorrow would work for me...

Linking up with Tuesdays at the (Picnic) Table.


  1. Great idea! And such a great way to use that cute fabric!

  2. Those are so cute and such a great idea. Was thinking of sewing up some summer napkins, but might have to make matching placemats - can't wait for your tutorial!

  3. How clever!! Good for you. Thanks for linking up to the {picnic} table - perfect!

  4. These are such a fabulous idea, you are so creative! I would love to make some of these. For us, eating out doors is just a distant dream at the moment, as it won't stop raining! I ordered some of the retro lobster fabric the other day, it's so cute. I need to get some co-ordinating fabrics too, yours are lovely. Enjoy al fresco dining in style! x

  5. Great solution for those flying plates! The fabric is adorable, I love those lobsters!

  6. Clever and cute! A great combination. :)

  7. Saw these on your July round up and just had to find the post about them - what a great idea.

  8. How funny to find this, dated 2012, when I just finished a project I had started in 2012. I'll be making these placemats next. Thank you!


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