
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Little Shopping

My mother-in-law has given me a tour of all the local quilt shops here in Arizona this week. Store #1 yielded this...

Followed by this from Store #2...

And then this when I sneaked back to Store #1 by myself during nap time today...

I got to chatting with the owner of Hearts and Hands Quilt Shop (a.k.a. Store #1) this afternoon. Her lovely little store carried a thoughtfully curated mix of traditional and modern prints. I told her what a treat it was for me to get to see modern fabric in person since I make about 95% of my purchases online. "Isn't that hard?" she asked with a truly concerned look on her face. "We believe that you need to actually feel the fabric."

If only I could do it more often...


  1. Fun stuff! I used to get so annoyed when my mother would drag us to fabric stores whenever she saw them. Now, I am much more sympathetic. :) It's fun to see what other stores have!

  2. I love to go into a shop and feel the fabrics, but sadly it just isn't possible. Sometimes living two hours from nowhere has its disadvantages! I've been quilting so long though, that I know what each company's fabric feels like. I definitely like Art Gallery the best for softness!

  3. Ohh I'm jealous!

  4. oh wow - cool that fabrics shops are included in your visit! ;-) Very fun - and yeah, it IS nice to touch, but again, not always practical..

  5. I picked up a yard of that Dick & Jane fabric in Silver City, New Mexico this past December. Other than a a couple of mug rugs, I have yet to make anything else with it. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  6. Yes a local quilt store is lovely if you can get to one. It's like a trip to the candy store. Good on you for sneaking back during nap time - my kind of trick when there's a MIL around. btw you are welcome to link this post up to my "Sunday Stash" linky open at the moment. It's a place to showcase your latest fabric finds. Just look for Sunday Stash #20 (the current linky). Love to have you by Heidi.

  7. Heidi,
    I enjoyed quilt-store-hopping with you! And am happy you found some fabrics you can use. Am missing you and the family already.

  8. I love touching the fabric and lining up the bolts next to each other and making my decisions. I find it harder on line because it's hard to know if fabrics from different ranges/designers will actually work together and whether the colour representation is accurate - it's safer to stick with a fabric range that's already co-ordinated for you but then you miss out on some great looks. Having said all that if you don't have a fabric store on hand then there's nothing better than the internet and there's some great bargains to be had as well :)

  9. Great finds! I think I'm having an epiphany here...I wonder if I could rummage through my stash easier if I would roll up the pieces like shop #1 did for your purchases. I might try that!

  10. hi where was store number two i like fabric with the architect drawings.

    Thank You


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