
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Zakka Hand Warmers (Sort of...)

So I had planned to make a pair of the hand warmers for this week's Zakka Style project. I even worked on a detailed embroidery idea for the front and started sewing. Then I suddenly thought, what am I doing? This is Southern California -- I live on the edge of a desert. Hand warmers just aren't going to get much use in this household. However... if you take one of these little rice pouches and place them in the freezer, you have an instant cold compress for bumps and bruises. And with three little girls in the house, we have constant high demand for that sort of product.

Since they're going to be used primarily by my daughters, I decided to use prints from Michelle Brummer Everett's adorable Monsterz collection for Cloud 9. The girls are quite enamored of these little critters, and they'll make a good distraction when someone is crying over a new injury. To make certain that the rice will not somehow escape the fabric, even when handled by kids, I went ahead and sealed up both the inner and outer pouches. My edges are not the neatest -- I was in a bit of a hurry at the time and didn't take as much care as I should have with those curves -- but these are sturdy little packs. I think they're going to hold up well over time.

I pulled them out of the freezer tonight after dinner, and they were an instant hit with the family. Everyone amused themselves with the "let's name that project" game. The top choices were "boo-boo buddies" and "ouchie pouchies." Call them what you like. I'm just glad to have them done and ready for the next minor emergency.

Linking up to the Zakka Along.


  1. Great thinking to adapt them to your weather! These are so great to have around for the little ones. I have a yard of that monsterz but haven't decided what to do with it yet.

  2. Oh what a great idea to make ouchie pouchies instead of hand warmers for your climate (not so very different from ours) and your family's needs.

  3. Ha! That's what I use my "hand Warner's" for too. Cute!

  4. ADORABLE!!! I should make some of these, too. Even though it does get very cold here in Chicago, I still could not imagine me using hand warmers. Now, ouchie pouchies (see, it's catching on already) are a completely different story. Thanks for the inpiration.

  5. Love "ouchie pouchies". Cute Heidi!

  6. Those are both terrific names! You have some creative people around your dinner table. :)

  7. Very sweet! So glad your girls liked them. Funny about not needing hand warmers in SoCal. I also live there, and I've been meaning to make some hand warmers for months! Lol. I'm so glad I finally made mine.

  8. You are so clever to think of such a good idea.
    I made lavender pouches for the summer instead of the rice and I will swap with rice in the winter - here in England it can get a bit chilly.
    Nice job - your girls are lucky to have you looking out for them.

  9. These are fabulous! What a good idea - we have a lots of bumps in this household too.


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