
Friday, June 22, 2012

Quick Finish

Just a quick finish to show today. Bunny finishes a week of Vacation Bible School this morning, and I put together this makeup bag last night as a gift for her teacher.

I used one of my favorite Anna Maria Horner Lou Lou Thi prints for the outside, and a Denyse Schmidt print for the lining. I picked up a few inexpensive goodies at Target (does anyone else love the E.L.F. makeup line as much as I do?) to fill the inside. My husband helped Bunny pick a bouquet of flowers from the garden to go along with it.

I love the size of this bag and may have to make another one for myself. Isn't that the way it always is?

Linking up to Sew & Tell Friday and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. Heidi, That is such a cute bag and what a great gift. I know it is not church-like, but I am coveting that bag and want to make one.

  2. Oh... what a nice thing for you to do! Thanks, too, for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comments!

  3. Oh... what a nice thing for you to do! Thanks, too, for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comments!

  4. What a nice bag and a great gift!

  5. What a wonderful gift! I'm sure she absolutely loved it!!!

  6. You've really been making some cute stuff lately! I'm sure the teacher loved the bag, I mean really, who wouldn't? :-)

  7. Cute, cute, cute! I do love that size and shape! How sweet of you!

  8. What a great gift! You are so thoughtful! I love this print, too...I have three yards that I am coveting, but now I'm thinking I could make a bag (and still have some left!)

  9. Lovely. One thing that really stood out for me with this bag is what a perfectly chosen fussy cut of that fabric you used.

  10. Very cute bag. What little loulouthi I've had has been very fun to work with. nice little gifty there!

  11. Really cute Heidi! I like the shape of that bag.

  12. Such a sweet bag, and a lovely thing to do for a hardworking VBS teacher!! Whoop whoop!!

  13. That is a very sweet thing to make and give and the bouquet from the garden too! Is there a tutorial for this pattern Heidi?

    1. I was actually thinking of doing one, though you can find similar tutorials online. We'll see if I get the time this month!

  14. Cute bag. I really need to try my hand at bags. It's the zipper that I shy away from. Silly, I know!


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