
Monday, May 28, 2012

Remember Why

This morning we heard that the father of one of Bunny's friends died suddenly of a massive heart attack yesterday. He leaves behind a wife and four children. Only a few weeks ago I was chatting with his wife about the challenges of raising our little girls, and now she faces the reality of doing it alone. I can hardly grasp it.

It may seem out of place to share this on a sewing blog, but after spending some time in tears this morning, I also spent a short while in thought. I began sewing last fall for several reasons. It was partly for myself -- I needed a creative outlet. But it was also for my family; I wanted a tangible way to share my love with them. Yet when I honestly think about how much time I devote to sewing and blogging and scouting for inspiration online...well, I feel as though my family has sometimes gotten the shorter end of the stick. That's not the way I want it to be.

I love my sewing, and I have no plans to give it up. The online quilting community will continue to be a place where I enjoy whiling away my small amount of spare time. But I don't want to forget what's most important in my life. So the next time I'm in the middle of a project and those little faces peek at me around the end of my sewing machine, I'm giving myself permission to take a hug break.

After all, some things just can't wait.


  1. SO true! Hold those babies tight!

  2. So true and so beautifully said! Thank you.

  3. Goodness, so sad. My heart goes out to that family and to you for the grief it's caused you. Events like this make us remember not to take our loved ones for granted, don't they? And about sewing, just like most things in life, moderation is a good thing...

  4. So sorry for their, and your loss. You are absolutely right, there are moments that tell you to remember THE moments....

  5. Dear Heidi,
    I am so sad to read this news. Don't know if I know the family, but the wife and children will be in my prayers.

  6. So sorry for your loss - it always shakes us up when something like this happens. Blessings as you care for your family and your friends...


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