
Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Friday!

It was a happy Friday indeed today. As my family was pulling out of the driveway to go have lunch and run errands, the postman came by with a few packages. Guess what was inside one of them?

Tara -- or missabeat, as she's known to us in the Modern She Made Swap -- put together this incredible surprise for me. I love everything about it: the patterns, the colors, the fabrics...all perfection. Just yesterday I was thinking about making a bag to hold my sewing when I'm out and about, and this one will be exactly what I need. I love the little pouch attached to a key ring on the handy.

The pincushion is darling; Bear grabbed it immediately and started running around the room with it calling, "Mommy, this is bee-yooo-ti-fullll!" And the fabric scraps...gorgeous prints that I'm just crazy about! I'm so excited to use these little beauties. Tara, you made my day. Bless you.

470 of you took the time to enter my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway -- that's more than three times the number I've ever had for a giveaway before. So many of you had kind things to say and some of you even decided to follow the blog -- thank you!! I wish I could send a special package to all of your doors, but I don't think even my long suffering husband could overlook a fabric bill that large. says that the winner is Miss Mary who commented:

I am in my first bee ever, and my month comes up this summer! My hope is to dig into that and make a fabulous bee quilt!

Congrats, Miss Mary! I've sent you an email. As soon as you send me your address, I'll have the package headed your way.

My husband has a four day weekend from teaching starting today -- a marvelous glimpse of things to come. Only one more week and he's off for the summer. I can't wait!

Happy Friday to you all!!


  1. Ahh I wish I would have put it in a bigger envelope so it didn't get all wrinkled and crumpled! So glad you like it! :):)

  2. Wonderful loot, Heidi! and congrats to Miss Mary!

  3. What an amazing package! I have been amazed to see all of the gorgeous projects that have appeared throughout this swap. Thanks for being a part!

  4. Woo hoo! Great goodies for you! Thanks for participating in the Modern She Made Swap!

  5. Congrats to Miss Mary! And congrats to you, Heidi for the package you got! Lovely!


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