
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Coffee with James

Coffee and Cake on a Riley Blake Designs Shortcake Fabric Placemat by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

As much as I can't wait to go on vacation when the holidays roll around, I'm just as content to get back to the school routine once they're over. I like the stability of a schedule, the sanity that it brings to the kids and to me. The only sad part is not having my husband here with us. There's not a doubt in my mind that the biggest perk of being married to a teacher is getting to have him home for weekends, holidays, and vacations. It's given us the chance to do so many things together as a family, and I never take it for granted.

We were driving home from lunch early last week in my minivan, music playing on the radio while the girls chattered together in the backseat, when James turned and asked if I would join him for coffee and sweets when we got home. It was the start of a beautiful new habit which we hope to continue on the weekends. Every afternoon for the rest of the week we sat down at the dining room table with mugs of coffee and something sweet -- usually chocolate -- and talked about what was on our minds: goals for the new year, lesson planning, my next book, the girls, our own struggles and how to beat them. It was like dating again only better: all the interest and attention of those early days when we were getting to know each other mixed with the comfort and familiarity of all these years of shared history together.

Now I'm sitting here at the table after lunch, and I miss my coffee with James. And I'm counting down the hours until Saturday afternoon...


  1. This is such a sweet idea! It's so easy to fall into the trap of becoming just Mum and Dad!

  2. What a fun date to have, and I can understand why you're missing him. Great idea for sneaking in some time together!

  3. Such a good tradition! So sweet and healthy! You are a wonderful family, I wish you longevity and happiness!

  4. When we were raising our 3 daughters, we took a parenting class and the instructor advised for us to have "couch time" every day when we got home. This is the time where we would sit and discuss our day and anything else important. Could be 5 minutes or 15, but it always helped center us. The only stipulation is that the kids weren't allowed to interrupt unless they had a dire emergency. Sounds like you're enjoying the same kind of thing. Thanks for your blog! I enjoy it.

    1. That is brilliant advice, and I really think it's the way to keep a marriage healthy. It's too easy to get busy and forget to take time with each other. Now that our girls are getting older, I think it's been easier for us to find the time. So glad you're enjoying the blog!

  5. What a sweet idea!! I also love your place mate! Can I ask if you made it and where you got the fabric?

    1. Thanks so much, Patti! This is actually part of the placemat panel from my Shortcake fabric collection for Riley Blake Designs!

  6. Loved your post. My husband Mark and I have coffee every morning in our study. It is our sacred space. We discuss the day or whatever is on our hearts. I cherish each morning with him. It's a wonderful way to start each day!

    1. I love that, Cathy! We don't usually get breakfast together, but James still calls me every morning during his teaching break to chat for a few minutes, and I treasure those minutes on the phone!

  7. What a sweet new tradition. Just the thing that is needed to keep your romance alive and thriving! Hugs, H

  8. Am happy for you both that Saturday has arrived! Love, M

  9. Heidi, this is wonderful. You both clearly know what is important in a relationship. I hope your coffee & sweets dates continue for many, many years to come.

  10. Hope you two had a lovely Saturday yesterday!

  11. What a beautiful, sweet blog post! So lovely reading about your love for each other and your friendship. Heartwarming! Greetings from Germany from a woman with a very similar name: Heidemarie

  12. that is the sweetest post I've read in a long time! Kudos to you for taking time out to work on your marriage and connecting. Spending time with my hubby is so special but it comes in spurts. Having intentional time set aside is so smart!

    1. Thank you so much, Kelly! We went through a season where the time came in spurts too, so I know how that can be. Now I'm learning to take the time to be intentional about it, and it's so worth it!


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