
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Random Act of Craftiness

Mazy's Wonderland Crafty Half Apron by Heidi Staples for Fabric Mutt

January has always been a blah sort of month for me. Once the hoopla of New Year's is past and the inevitable week of low-carb dieting reminds me that life is too short to go without bread, we settle into a quiet monotony that stretches well into the beginning of February. It can be mind numbing at times, stuck here in the middle of the school year with nowhere to go. Spring feels so far away, and I have trouble getting excited about the daily grind.

Mazy's Wonderland Crafty Half Apron by Heidi Staples for Fabric Mutt

After getting through a particularly rough patch last week, I finally decided that I desperately needed some playtime in my sewing room. So I pulled out the stack of Mazy's Wonderland fabric by my incredibly talented friend Dylan Mierzwinski (follow her at @bydylanm on Instagram -- you'll be so glad you did) that I've been saving since Quilt Market and sewed up a sweet crafty apron in one afternoon.

Mazy's Wonderland Crafty Half Apron by Heidi Staples for Fabric Mutt

I can't tell you how much joy and satisfaction this one little random act of craftiness gave me. I not only have an adorable sewing apron, but I feel like my creativity got a much needed caffeine rush. It feels so good to be excited about trying new projects again!

If you're feeling the winter blahs too, try a little playtime yourself. Pull together a few of your favorite prints, pick a fun small project (check out my Tutorials page if you need some ideas), and make something happy this week!


  1. SO beautiful Heidi! I love your little apron...and your thoughts echo my own! Thank you for always being inspiring!

  2. Very pretty, this is just what a girl needs when it is still dark winter in the nights and mornings, a little sunshiny fun. x


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