
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Saturday Morning

Date Night fabric by Heidi Staples for Riley Blake Designs

I'm typing at my dining room table this morning, looking out the window at the misty green aftermath of a rainy night. The squirrels are dancing from tree to tree, and I can see deer grazing in the distance. My daughters have spent the morning playing spy games around the house with their walkie talkies, reminding me of when my sister and I used to do the same thing in our front yard so many years ago. In a few minutes we'll be heading off to our favorite Mexican restaurant for our standing weekly lunch with the whole family -- and by "standing" I mean that the restaurant has a table set and waiting for us when they open on Saturdays because they know we'll be there.

It's been a busy week, full of secret sewing and things I can't tell you about yet, but soon...hopefully soon. I have a stack of projects I've been working on which are almost ready to share and another stack that are going to be consuming every free minute I've got for the next three months. And on top of that I'm trying to wrap up our homeschool year in the next five weeks, so several hours of each day are spent grading spelling tests and reteaching math lessons and the like. Sometimes I wonder how I think I can possibly get away with it, this game of smoke and mirrors that I play, trying to look like I'm on top of everything while secretly flying by the seat of my pants. Yet somehow it all gets done. And when I stop stressing over things and just relax and enjoy them, I can stand back and look at it all with more perspective, remembering again how grateful I am that I get to do all of this.

My Date Night yardage arrived this week, and I'm currently sewing up a storm for Quilt Market. The more I work with it, the more I love it. There is a story behind this collection, of course, but I'll wait to share it with you when its June release date is a little closer. Until then, I hope you enjoy looking at that stack of fabric as much as I do...


  1. It’s a beautiful range. Love your colour palette and look forward to seeing your creations x

  2. Oh, how I remember those days of everything going on at once while trying to wrap up a homeschool year! You are right, though. Stepping back, relaxing and enjoying it all, is so worth it. I love that you have a standing family lunch with your whole family; how cool is that?! I'm looking forward to the release of your new fabric line!

  3. Beautiful, sweet looking fabrics! I can't wait to hear the story behind them :)

  4. Lovely fabrics! Looking forward to the big reveal. xxx

  5. I can't wait to see more. Love what I see so far.


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