
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Anne of Green Gables Pillow

Anne of Green Gables Pillow by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

I vividly remember when Anne of Green Gables first premiered on the Disney channel in 1985. The Disney channel was completely different back then, featuring old cartoons, classic family movies, and episodes of the original Mickey Mouse club, all of which I adored. They showed that first Anne movie in several installments, and I waited breathlessly for each one to arrive. I had already enjoyed the book and fell even more in love with the movie, which I watched constantly after it came out on video. I showed it to my daughters for the first time over a year ago, and they were enchanted. Is there anything so wonderful as watching your children be delighted by the same things you loved as a child?

So when I was asked to join in the blog tour for an upcoming collection of Anne of Green Gables fabric, I just couldn't say no. They asked us to feature small projects, and though I had originally planned to make a Stationery Kit from my tutorial, circumstances stepped in to change things. My next door neighbor had surgery on her collarbone last Thursday, and I wanted to make her a get well present to go along with the dinner I was bringing for her family that night. I've had several friends over the years who have had upper body surgery on arms or shoulders, and the gift they always love most is a handmade rectangular pillow to use while they recover. I knew this fabric would be just my neighbor's style with it's sweet vintage look, so I spent last Thursday afternoon running up and down the stairs between my kitchen and loft, cooking enchiladas, baking molasses cookies, and stitching up a pillow cover.

Anne of Green Gables Pillow by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

There are so many lovely prints in this collection. I like the florals and ticking stripes best, though I also love the illustration and text prints. Really, how can you choose a favorite? I mixed them all together for a simple patchwork cover using small rectangles that are quilted on either side of the seams. The pillow is backed in linen for a more rustic look. It will fit perfectly in my neighbor's beautiful home which is decorated in all the trappings of glorious Southern charm.

Anne of Green Gables Pillow by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

Be sure to stop by the other blogs on the tour. Lauren's post yesterday is absolutely breathtaking, as she finished not one but three stunning projects with this collection!

November 7th -- Lauren
November 8th -- Heidi
November 14th -- Amy
November 15th -- Stacy

Meanwhile, I think it may be time for another Anne of Green Gables showing at our house. Time to go make some popcorn...


    1. I just love your pillow! What a special gift! This fabric really looks delicious! I too have always loved the Anne of Green Gables stories!

    2. That is really nice! I especially love the rectangular, as opposed to square, shape! Did you use a standard pillow form?

    3. Oh, I loved Anne of Green Gables! The fabric is just lovely and you did a great job with the pillow. Pinning!

    4. That pillow is gorgeous! Love vintage looking stuff!

    5. I just adore this pillow. You have such a talent for creating lovely pieces. How sweet of you to make it for your neighbor (along with dinner and treats!) I'm sure it will be treasured!

    6. Beautiful pillow - lovely thought - your neighbour will be delighted.

    7. I love this pillow so much.
      Very sweet arrangement of these adorable fabrics.
      I love Anne of GG too. I adore wholesome stories of olden times.
      I just loved this story
      Thank you for sharing your creativity

    8. This is amazing pillow! I really love the fabric!

      Fabrics near me

    9. Absolutely beautiful! Anne would love it too! ;)

    10. Would love to know what size rectangles you used! Love how this pillow turned out and would like to make a couple for my friend's daughters!

    11. Where can I get some fabric like this I love it

      1. This has been out of print for a while, but do a search online and you might still find some!


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