
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Fall Mug Rug

Fall Mug Rug by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

From the moment my calendar turns to September, I'm ready to welcome fall back with open arms. That means pumpkins on my dining room table, molasses cookies in the oven, and sweaters in my closet -- even if it's still too warm to actually wear them. I also had fall on the brain when I was doing this week's fabric audition, a stack called Autumn Bonfire, which I put together to make a mug rug for my dad's new desk. 

Autumn Bonfire Fabric Audition by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

This was the original bundle that I pulled for the project. I ended up changing a few prints slightly, but I basically stayed with this mix of gold, tangerine, and navy blue. 

Fall Mug Rug by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

A Charley Harper print took center stage, surrounded by the other rectangles, giving me a mat that measures approximately 9 x 12". I backed the piece in a wonderful map design by Tim Holtz and used a brown wicker print by Juliana Horner for the binding. 

Fall Mug Rug by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

And there it is...another little glimpse of fall in my house. How I love it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can I just say here and now, that I hate pop ups? That is why I deleted the first comment. Every other letter was missing, and I didn't notice until it published!!! Grrr!
    Any.way. I said, I love the mug rug. I am quite taken by the backing fabric. I am going to have to find some and bring it to my house! ;)

  3. beautiful mug rug, makes me want to make lots and lots of mug rugs now :)

  4. I love that mug rug. I need to make another one. I'm in between quilts (and/or funds to finish another large project), and I have a huge stash of perfect mug rug fabrics. That will satisfy my sewing itch. Thanks for the inspiration. Yours is wonderful.


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