
Monday, January 19, 2015

Sew the Library: Spring Pincushion

Today kicks off our very first Sew the Library Link-up of the year. Rather than tackling one of the big projects I've been wanting to sew, I decided to start small with a cheerful little pincushion based on a pillow from Sherri McConnell's lovely book, Fresh Family Traditions.

Sherri's book is packed full of traditional projects made a little more modern thanks to fabric choices and block settings. I absolutely adore the Kitchen Sink quilt on the cover which I'm hoping to tackle later this year when I have a bit more time. Her Spring Flowers Pillow is a wonderfully simple design made of half square triangles. I shrank the finished size of the squares down to 1 3/4" and made only nine blocks, giving me a pincushion just under 6" square. I paired one of my favorite color schemes (pink, orange, yellow, and purple) with plenty of black and white text prints. It all comes together to make the sort of project I adore: simple, colorful, and oh so useful.

The back of the pincushion is a favorite piece from Lori Holt's Flower Patch collection. I adore this print and will definitely be ordering more.

With spring on my radar already, I think this pincushion will look perfect next to my new terrarium. They're both already making my sewing room a happier place!

So what did you sew from a book or magazine this month or last? (We're including December in this first round!) You can link up your Sew the Library projects below through January 31st by clicking on the Inlinkz button below and following the directions. Be sure to visit at least a few other posts and share the love by leaving encouraging comments along the way!


  1. this is just the prettiest Heidi. I love the colours you chose :-)

  2. Super cute and tiny! I love it. Tiny patchwork is the best. I love each and every fabric you used.

  3. very cute! I like the top stitching around the edge. Love the terrarium . Wish I could keep plants alive! LOL

  4. That is so adorable! I love the fabrics and the way you've quilted it!

  5. So sweet! I must remember that little things like this make lovely gifts! I always think big then it doesn't get done! :) Thanks for the link up! xxx

  6. Love your pincushion, it's gorgeous. Good luck with your move to Texas

  7. Yay! I have my quilt top almost pieced! Hope I can make it in time for the end of the link up.

  8. Gorgeous! I love Lori Holt. In fact one of her books would be a good one for Sew The Library. I haven't made anything in January but I will be joining you all for February. Glad I found this - I am doing a similar one called Love Your Library at Snapdragon Crafts blog for knitting books.

  9. The colors you picked for this project are so bright and happy! I don't think I'm going to finish my project for this month, but I am looking forward to posting it for next month! What an amazing idea! Thank you for putting it together!

  10. Have not seen this book yet,but will be checking it out! The pincushion is very sweet,love the color combo you used to make it,and half square triangles too,Love!

  11. Love your pincushion! The fabrics are perfect!!

  12. heard you interviewed by Pat Sloan so came by your blog, specially to find this link up. Did it only happen the once or is it going to be ongoing. Its a great idea and I think I would like to join in. Well I KNOW I'd like to join in... whether or not I would end up doing it is another story. Still... let me know if you are having another


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