
Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Making

Hadley Case by Fabric Mutt

December has been the month of the never ending cold virus at our house. In spite of all the coughing and sneezing, though, I've been snatching a few moments to sew whenever I can. I finally had the chance to try out Kelby's fabulous tutorial, and it has changed my life, I tell you. Why did I never think to finish off the edges of my pouch linings with a zig zag stitch? As someone who adores the look of a structured case, that last step of binding the raw edges inside has so often kept me from making one. No more of that! The case you see above, made with Denyse Schmidt's gorgeous Hadley collection, has been sitting in my WIP pile for weeks because I couldn't face the time it would take to properly bind the lining. I'm thrilled to death to have this project done at last!

Cotton + Steel Dopp Kit by Fabric Mutt

Using Kelby's tutorial, I made a Dopp Kit for my Dad using new canvas prints from Cotton & Steel.

Cotton + Steel Dopp Kit by Fabric Mutt

I love that Tokyo Train Ride lining inside this pouch!

Melody Miller Makeup Pouch by Fabric Mutt

I also made a smaller version of the pouch using Melody Miller prints. This will be a perfect little makeup bag to fit in my luggage for our Christmas trip to Arizona this week. 

And speaking of Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful one. Hugs to you, friends!


  1. Lovely pouches, and thanks for posting the link to the wonderful tutorial. All the best over the holidays and enjoy your vacation.

  2. Have a wonderful Christmas Heidi xx

  3. Beautiful boxy bags:) thanks for the link to the tutorial - Merry Christmas

  4. Adorable bags! Merry Christmas to you and your family! xo jan

  5. I love your quilted bag, so adorable! merry christmas from austria! tina xx

  6. Love your bags, Heidi! Good for you for giving the link to the excellent tutorial, too! ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Love them all.Merry Christmas , may your holidays be extra special this year!!

  8. This pouch is just adorable! I love the first one!! Thanks for the tutorial, I shall have to give it a go some time, it looks fab :-)


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