
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Graph Paper QAL: Patchwork Wristlet

Patchwork Wristlet at Fabric Mutt for Graph Paper Quilt Along from Pink Penguin Tutorial

This week's small project for the Graph Paper Quilt Along is by the Queen of Patchwork herself, my sweet friend Ayumi. If you're looking for a great last minute gift, her Patchwork Wristlet is a wonderful choice. I always love how clear and detailed Ayumi's tutorials are, and this is no exception. To those of you who struggle with zipper phobia as I once did, here's a great project for getting your feet wet. You'll find all the instructions for making her adorable wristlet right here.

Patchwork Wristlet at Fabric Mutt for Graph Paper Quilt Along from Pink Penguin Tutorial

I tried to use a lot of text and low volume prints for this project. It's always so much fun to search for exactly the right piece of fabric to fussy cut. I love the light and airy feel of this little pouch, but I think it would also look amazing done up in a range of solid fabrics. This is why I love sewing. There are always so many creative possibilities!

Patchwork Wristlet at Fabric Mutt for Graph Paper Quilt Along from Pink Penguin Tutorial

Remember that I'll have another blog link-up next Monday for you to share your finished wristlets as well as progress on your quilts. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed working on the small projects for this quilt along (yes, I admit, I've already finished project #3, and I absolutely adore it!). Pulling together my favorite fabrics, the rhythm of nesting the seams together and chain piecing my squares -- it's all been a quiet sort of therapy for me during what's otherwise been a pretty demanding month.

But I'll share more about that in my next post. Until then, happy sewing!


  1. #3 - and I'm just starting #1!! You are the queen of fabric selection and fussy cutting (did you fussy cut the fabric for the loop as well? I can actually read the text!). I love your pouch! I had a look at Ayumi's tutorial - fabulous as usual!

  2. What a lovely little project. A wristlet is perfect for being out and about in the summer - it can hold a mobile and some pennies. Thank you Heidi and Ayumi - I'm gonna give this a go.

  3. so cute. do u know who makes that fabric with the lettering script on it?


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