
Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Cleaning

I hope that all of you had a wonderful Easter Sunday. After a difficult month, I feel like I'm ready to fling open the doors and let the sunshine back into our lives. Spring cleaning is on my radar these days, and I'm hoping to get some work done in our home, in my sewing room, and maybe even on this blog in the coming weeks. We'll see how ambitious I turn out to be...

For those of you who didn't see the post on Instagram, be sure to stop by the Birch Fabrics blog to see my Everyday Party Apron Tutorial. It's a quick project and might just help you get in the spring cleaning mood yourself. If you make one, be sure to send me a photo or tag me @fabricmutt on Instagram.

Take five minutes today and sit outside in this lovely spring weather. Bonus points if you take off your shoes and socks first. You'll thank me later...


  1. I hope things are ok now Heidi. A belated happy Easter. I was outside for a bit today ; )

  2. looks like a great, simple pattern Heidi - thanks for sharing. Glad that the sun is shining through for you :-) Hope you had a Happy Easter.

  3. That is adorable Heidi! And I'm happy to hear what you wrote in that first paragraph.

  4. Gorgeous! I love the fabric too - I may have to pick some of that up.

  5. That apron looks so cute! I'm going over to Birch Tree fabrics now to check it out.

  6. Good luck with your spring cleaning! That's going to be fulfilling either way. It ought to be a way to reminisce the past year; it's bound to pull out pieces of memory that you may not have given much of a glance. Moreso, it's healthy for both your rooms and your floors as well as your lifestyle, as these are refreshed and repaired as needed. Looking forward to seeing the results!

    McCoy Maintenance

  7. Great apron! I love the design and the color combinations and good luck to your spring cleaning. Thanks!

    Commercial Cleaning Services

  8. So you’ve caught the spring cleaning bug, huh? I’d say good luck to that, but I assume you’re already done with the job. I just hope you had fun doing it. I know the task could be mundane and very tiring, but you’d certainly feel accomplished afterwards. Have a good day!

    German Zollinger @ Total Clean Equipment


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