
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Durathon Iron Review & Giveaway

I've been living with the Durathon Iron for a few weeks since the nice people at Hamilton Beach sent me a free one and asked me to test it and post a review on my blog. I have to admit it: I'm pretty glad I said yes.

For me, the make or break issue with every iron is steam. I've gone through several irons over the past few years, all with varying levels of steam output, and the Durathon is definitely in the running for first place in the steam department. I love that this iron gives me a powerful, consistent level of steam when I'm working with the cotton and linen fabrics that I sew with the most. Thankfully, it also has a fairly large water chamber which keeps up with the steam well enough that I don't have to run to the sink every five minutes. The iron maintains its level of heat nicely as well, and it's not too heavy, even with the added base for the retractable cord -- a feature which I always enjoy. With three little girls around, I don't like to have any possibilities of a cord coming loose and dangling off the edge of a shelf within reach of curious hands.

I really only have one complaint with the iron. Though I love the look and convenience of the digital temperature settings, every time the iron is unplugged, you have to set the temperature back to where you want it. This was never a problem with the manual dial on my old iron which always stayed at "cotton/linen" and automatically went to that setting as soon as I plugged the iron in each time I used it. There are times when I plug in the Durathon, start cutting fabric, come back to start pressing, and realize that the heat is still off and waiting to be activated. It's a minor irritant, but a real one.

All in all, I can definitely recommend the Hamilton Beach Durathon. My last iron was a faithful workhorse, but it sadly died a slow death at the end, giving me several frustrating days of work and reminding me not to take the secondary tools for granted. A good iron is crucial to the sewing process. If you choose the Durathon, I think you'll be well pleased with the results. 

So who wants a free iron? Hamilton Beach is offering another Durathon for me to give away to my readers. Just leave a comment on this post -- including your email address if you're a no-reply blogger! -- and I'll draw a random winner on Wednesday, March 12. International entries are welcome. If I don't hear back from the first winner within 48 hours, I'll draw another name for the prize. It's always fun to get a new toy for the sewing room, so be sure to get your name in the ring before Wednesday!


  1. Would love to win....I'm in need of a new iron! Spetzie at att dot net

  2. I could definitely use a good iron with good steam and a nice water chamber! Melarafam at yahoo dot com.

  3. I know what you mean about needing consistent steam. It seems like many irons start out with good steam, but as they get older, the steam output goes way downhill. Thanks for the opportunity to win a new iron!

  4. I'm in the market for a new iron so I'm glad to read this review!

  5. I understand the frustration with irons. I've had so many my husband suggested I work in the factory where I could be a tester for irons. I will never understand why they do NOT last. Love them, need them, buy them but they won't last. Glad you found one you are enjoying! Thanks for the giveaway!! *pick me pick me* LOL

  6. I think mine is in that slowly dying a slow death phase. Always glad to read a positive review! Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. That iron look fabulous! I love the retractable cord option. I guess the digital issue would just take some getting used to. :)

  8. I don't even have a working iron right now, I've been borring my mom's so winning this would be awesome!

  9. Good irons are so hard to find! It would be great to win one! Thanks for the chance.

  10. I would love to try it! Swinkgirlsquilts at gmail dot com.

  11. I would love to win this if it has auto shut-off. Thank you for the great giveaway!!!

  12. Enjoyed your review of the Durathon. I get frustrated with irons that only last a couple of years.

  13. I have found a good steam iron is a must for piecing. This one looks great.

  14. You can't always tell if an iron is good by the brand or the price -- so it's nice to have a review from an actual user! Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Now that is one sharp looking tool! Love the colour!!
    Thank you for the chance :D

  16. Irons are not my friends! The last 10 years the expensive irons I have bought do not last more than 2 years. And I hate auto-shut off. I would love to try this iron. I hope it's made in the US.

  17. A new iron is on my wish list! The one I have right now turns on some days and other days it won't! Quilters don't need lazy irons! ; )

  18. Oh I would love to upgrade my iron! The one I have now is an inexpensive basic one, and it's definitely on its way out. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  19. Would love a new iron. The one I use has no on/off switch and no steam...would love a good iron! purejoycreative at gmail

  20. I'd love a new iron! Mine is over 25 years old! Thanks for a chance to win.

  21. Looks great, would love a new iron. Mine is rusty :(

  22. I would love a iron, as I left the water in my other one and it has rusted a little :-(

  23. I would love an iron with good steam. This is a major frustration with my current iron.

  24. An iron that has a large water tank, great steam and doesn't spit and burn me sounds like a dream come true. I haven't seen this in the stores and I've been prowling for a new iron since before Christmas. Thanks for giving us the heads up.

  25. I have been having serious iron issues lately! Including getting a replacement iron that wasn't the same model, and doesn't work right either! It's has an auto shut-off for if the iron is left down on the fabric for 30 seconds... and when I'm ironing it shuts off every 30 seconds unless I turn the iron to standing position. SO frustrating!

  26. I too enjoy a consistent steam iron. I always thought you weren't supposed to use sream, but I still always do. I love the retractable cord on that iron. What a great idea! I hope I win!

  27. I could use a new iron. Mine has gotten old & stubborn about producing steam. Thanks.

  28. I would love a new iron. I'm using one in my sewing room that was dropped by my husband and no longer holds water. He has a history of destroying my irons. In fact, he is more often than not the cause of their demise.

  29. Great giveaway! The iron I have now is one that my now-husband fished out from under his college dorm bed 8 years ago and gave to me because he had never used it. Ha! Thanks for the chance to win a new one!

  30. My Rowenta is dripping and leaking so I haven't used steam for a few months. I'm doing it the old fashioned way, misting with water and then ironing. Not only that but it's auto shut off is shutting off after less than five minutes.This iron looks like a perfect replacement. Love the sleek look and all the features, even having to reset the temp every time you plug it back in as I always turn mine off before I unplug anyway. Thanks for the chance.

  31. Wow you must be famous if they sent you two free irons. I gave up on Rowentas about a year and a half ago and have been using an inexpensive Black and Decker. I would love to win!

  32. Oh yeah! I'm left handed and my iron's cord is always on the wrong side, this is much more midline and I'm sighing over the idea of an iron that wouldn't make me grumpy :) Thank you for the giveaway!

  33. Count me in on the drawing/giveaway! This iron sounds like a quilters best friend. Love this review.

  34. Would love a new iron (mine is 9 years old and ready to be replaced)..thanks for the review and chance!

  35. Wow...readin thru a few comments here & see I am NOT the only one with Rowenta issues! Drefinitely neeeeed a new Iron to come live with me! :)

  36. My iron is on it's last leg and all the settings markings on the dial have worn off. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  37. my Rowenta has been dying for awhile now just keeps sputtering and spitting This would be really great to win

  38. I will love to win. Sounds pretty good for us sewers. Thanks for the chance to win.

  39. Ohhh fun - a pretty blue iron. Thanks for the chance.

  40. I hat to think how many irons I've been through. I'd love to give this one a try.

  41. My husband quilts too, and we're always fighting over the iron. So would love to win another one.

  42. My iron constantly needs filling, the chamber is so small, and the steam setting on it, well, sucks! Lol. Great review and thank you for the chance to win!

  43. I would love to win a new iron mine has recently started leaking and I just have not had the time togo and get a new one yet

  44. I would love to win a new iron! Mine never gets hot enough to get out stubborn wrinkles. Thanks for the review!

  45. I could definitely use a new iron - thanks for the giveaway!

  46. Great iron! I could really do with a new one! I'm always having problems with linen. Good review!

  47. Thanks for letting us know what you think. It's always nice to have a spare iron lying around. My old one might be relegated to fusible iron if I get a new one.

  48. I could use a new iron...mine is on the fritz. Love Hamilton Beach!

  49. As my iron is held together with parcel tape, a new one would be a godsend! Looks heavy, too,which generally makes for easier ironing!

  50. I had a Rowenta that actually lasted over 20 years - hard to believe. I almost cried when it died. Since then I've tried another Rowenta (it died as soon as the warranty ran out) and a Reliable. Not crazy about the wrinkle removal I'm getting though. This sounds like a good one. Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. I'd love a new iron! Hope it's a winner and holds up well!

  52. Oh my goodness, would a retractable cord be good! I share my sewing space with the kids' playroom, so I'm often worried they're going to pull the iron down on their toes!

  53. Id LOVE a new iron! Mine is just so so. Thanks for the great review. clunsford at gmail dot com

  54. You had me at 'retractable cord' lol. My husband was moaning about our iron just yesterday morning, saying it couldn't get the creases out of his shirt, so I think ours might be on the way out too :(

  55. I love thd idea of a retractable cord. Im in!

  56. I can always use a new iron. It would be nice to have one set up right by my sewing machine.

  57. Would love a new iron! Always had second-hand ones...
    lia dot faran at gmail dot com

  58. I'm in the market for a new iron - mines on it's last leg. They don't seem to last very long for some reason. Thanks for a chance to try something new.

  59. That's the first time I've heard of a retractable cord in an iron, as you say brilliant for young children's safety.:)

    Peg x

  60. I could use a new iron. I hate when the water leaks out and gets all over the place especially when I don't want it to. My husband would love it since I seem to drop ours by accident quite frequently. Thanks for the chance.

  61. I could use a new iron as mine is not making steam or heat. Thanks for sharing your review.

  62. This iron would be awesome the one i'm using is broken so can't have water in it so no steam! Thanks for the chance :)

  63. Hi, I could definitely use a new iron. Mine came 2nd hand in 1997. I love that retractable cord, and it looks so modern.

  64. Would love a chance and trying this new iron out. Thank you for the giveaway chance.

  65. I, too, am a steam fanatic! The average life span for an iron in my house is 1 year no matter how much I paid for it-it is definitely my most used appliance. (Lord knows it's definitely not the stove or vacuum!)

  66. That is so good to know! My iron is on its last legs, but I've had it so long that I haven't kept up with all the iron technology that has been added in the last twenty years. The retractable cord sounds great. I love the Melody Miller print in the background!

  67. Always love a good iron. Thanks for the chance to win!

  68. Sounds like a good one to me - thanks for your honesty! My iron is rubbish - I so need a new one!

  69. This iron sounds like a dream to me! That is my complaint about most irons, the steam is insufficient.
    Thanks for the chance to win one.

  70. I agree having to reset temperature would become a bother! I'm all for on and go! :)

  71. Sounds like a wonderful iron. Thanks for the chance to win!

  72. O would really love to win!! Great review... I would like to try it at home :) My e-mail is:

  73. Thanks for the chance! lisadcox1 at yahoo dot com

  74. great giveaway! Fancy lookin iron would like to have it! Thanks

  75. I need an iron so bad! the one we use now is pathetic and old :(

    dtdady at gmail dot com

  76. My iron has been leaking water therefore it runs out of steam quickly. Thank you for the review and a chance to win.

  77. Ooh, a new iron would be ginger peachy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  78. Thanks for the great, honest review. And, I agree, it's all about the steam, be it while quilting or pressing clothing! Thanks for the opportunity to give one a spin!

  79. Let's see... My iron is nearing close to the two year mark and should probably die on me soon so I would love to win a new one (and one thgast is of better quality!) Thanks for the chance!

  80. A very thoughtful review, Heidi, thank you! I think next to sewing machines, they're a quilter's most important 'big-ish purchase, and sometimes the most frustrating! I'm always on the lookout for the perfect iron!

  81. Ooh, a new iron would be ginger peachy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  82. I've heard good things about this iron!
    thanks for the giveaway!

  83. Oh, yes, a new iron....thanks for the chance!

  84. Oh I would love a new iron! Thanks!

  85. My iron is 25 years old! I would love a new on that uses modern technology :)

  86. Thanks for the chance!!

  87. yuppyyyyyy!! thank’s!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. It seems like everyone could use a new iron, especially one so highly recommended! Please put my name in the hat!
    yoyopattycakes at

  90. I enjoy your blog. keep up the good work! Thanks for the chance to win a new iron, I am definitely in need of one.

  91. This looks like a fantastic iron. Thanks for the chance.

  92. Would love a new iron...thanks for a chance to win!

  93. I could sure use a new iron. Mine's "spitting" mad--leaks all over the place! :o)

  94. I'm always looking for a good iron. My baby right now has been working OK, but I fear the day she dies. I too would agree that the temperature thing would be irritating. My dial hardly ever moves and if I do happen to shut it off I always try to iron with it before turning it back on.

  95. Oh yes, I need one! My current iron is making noises that lead me to believe that it is about to die. Oh and did I mention it only has two settings, burn and off. Yuck, so yes, please pick me!

  96. I could really use a new iron. My current iron steams when it feels like it and makes quilting frustrating. I am keeping an eye out for a sale to get a better one.

  97. I could really use a good iron, they seem to just die a slow death right when you need one. Or they start to leak. Either way thank you for info on iron and giveaway

  98. I know what you men about the temperature setting you need to do each time.
    Would love to give this one a try.

  99. I go through about 1 iron per year
    so, I am always looking for a new iron or at least a back up
    thanks for the giveaway

  100. Count me in! I love the idea of a retractable cord. No little ones here anymore, my "baby" is 30, but it would be nice to not see a dangly cord.

  101. I've been looking around at irons lately, my poor old girl doesn't steam up like she used to!

  102. Hadn't given much thought to if my iron is really working to its was a wedding gift 35 years ago and it has pressed so much fabric...I am shocked it is still alive and steaming! But now that I have read your review...I can see it might be on its last steaming leg! A new one is probably a good thing to do and have "BD" (for BLack and Decker) as a back up! Thanks for the chance!

  103. Sounds like a great iron! I'm with you on the steam thing. Lots and lots of steam is important. And a retractable cord sounds like a luxury. I would love a new iron. I've had my cheapo Black and Dexker for 8 years and I'm pretty sure it has seen much better days. :)

  104. Oh man I would love a new iron. I feel like I'm toying with disaster when I use mine. vera khule at gmail dot com.

  105. I would like to try this iron. Thank you!
    Kelly D

  106. Looks like a really great iron, I'd to win this.

    Thanks so much!

  107. My old iron is 20+ yrs old and lost steam years ago, would be great to have a new one.

  108. Wow! What a generous and delightful give-a-way, thank you for the opportunity and please add my name to the list. I'm your 107th comment . . . sounds lucky to me :)
    Keep smiling and be happy.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  109. Looks like a great iron. Thanks for the chance to win such a great give-away.

  110. I've been looking at new irons for a week or so. My iron, is like your previous one dying slowly.

  111. I'd love to win this! Thanks for the chance :)

  112. I would love to be entered in the drawing for the iron. It looks like a great product.

  113. I have a similar iron from Hamilton Beach and I have the same complaint about it that you have to be readjusting the temperature setting every time you are going to use it.

  114. Yes, I could use a good iron! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  115. This is perfect timing, I have been looking at reviews to get a new iron for a week now... My old one just died, this is a sign Hamilton Beach, this is a sign!

  116. how fun to be able to test products!! hopefully they listen to your feedback!!

  117. I am always frustrated with irons, such a simple tool. I am using an old iron from the 80's right now because all the new ones frustrate me. I have not tried this one though, maybe it will be a keeper. thanks for the chance to win.

  118. I would love to have a retractable cord.

  119. Thank you for the review and the giveaway! I'm always on the look out for a new shiny ;)

  120. I'm with you. It's all about steam!

  121. I would love to win a new iron. I have never been totally happy with the ones I have now! Thanks for the opportunity!

  122. Oh, yes, please! Irons are something I never thought twice about until I started sewing in earnest this past year. Mine is barely passable in the helpfulness arena - it works, but I want to replace it and just haven't had time to start scouring reviews. I appreciate you posting this one, Heidi (and I understand about the dial setting - I leave it on cotton even unplugged bc it's efficient - each week when my husband irons his shirts, though, he dials it to off afterward and the next time I use it, I wonder why it's not hot yet! lol).

  123. I really need a new iron too. Mine is still working but I can tell it's not getting as hot as it used too.
    hulseybg at gmail dot com.

  124. I also would enjoy a new FREE iron! Thanks for the chance

  125. My iron gives off NO steam anymore, so this would be a welcome replacement!

  126. Nice looking iron. Thanks for the chance.

  127. What a gorgeous iron! It would look so great and be so useful in my sewing area. Thank you for this opportunity to win something truly NEEDFUL!

  128. I am in the market for a new iron, mine fell off of my ironing board a week ago and broke - although I am still using it. It has started leaking all over the place. Ugh, ya I need a new iron.

  129. would love to win, Thanks for the chance

  130. ooh,I could really use a terrific iron. thanks

  131. I would love a fab new iron ! That retractable cord looks invaluable

  132. Sounds like a great iron. Thanks for the review!

  133. I really need a new iron! Thanks for the giveaway! vickise at gmail dot com

  134. I just found your blog and I've added it to my bookmarks.

  135. I just found your blog and am following you by email. Love the chance to win an iron. Than.

  136. This would be great! My iron is relatively inexpensive and the water chamber empties so quickly!

  137. I am not happy with my Rowenta - Would be very used in my house - Thanks!

  138. It would be so great to have an iron that didn't leak and spit at me. This looks like the answer.

  139. wow what an awesome giveawy...I would be so thankful to win this.

  140. Very cool iron -- would love to win it!

  141. I love a good, HOT iron. The last Rowenta I bought doesn't live up to it's promise - tepid, at best. I would love to win the Durathon to see if it meets muster, and may try it when the Rowenta dies if I don't. Thanks for an honest review.

  142. Would never turn down another iron - I seem to go through them. My current iron is also digital and it's so frustrating to have to reset the temp. It also shuts off automatically, which is nice when you want to avoid a fire, but when you're taking care of kids and sewing at the same time, I dislike having to turn it back on when I step away for 15 minutes.

    Glad you liked this iron! Steam is always a make or break for me.

  143. i would love a new iron, mine is so old!

    daniellex at gmail dot com

  144. Would love to win and thanks for the real life opinion on the temp setting. hope they sent it out looking for some real world feedback and will tweak the design. it would be an easy fix. Does it have auto shut off? Cindy

  145. I have a gravity feed iron that I'm having problems with so would lobVe to try out this new iron. Thanks for the chance to win!

  146. OMG I would love a free iron. Lol, thanks for the chance

  147. What a fantastic give-away! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the chance to win.

  148. Would love to win. Does the iron have an auto-off feature? Thanks for the chance. Shelly

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. New iron, you say? Yes, please!

  151. It's amazing how much you depend on a iron. I am still using the one I got as a wedding present over 30 years ago. It has worked wonderful but is on it's last legs.

  152. I am always ironing shirts and fabric. It's never ending it seems! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
    fairyfractal at gmail dot com

  153. I too have been seeking the ever so illusive "just right" iron and can't seem to find one that satisfies me. I can't put my finger on what I am looking for or expecting, but I haven't found it yet. Pretty sure I will know it when I do find it though. Thanks for a chance to win this iron and if I win and don't care for it, I will pass it on to another quilter to try on for size.

  154. I am desparate for a new iron! The one I get keep dying within a year at most. And they are never hot enough. Boo!

  155. The iron I am using right now is a very old GE, and by very old I mean 1950 General Electric visualizer iron 16f43 my husband bought me. It should only be a display piece :)

  156. I would love to win, I have never tried a Hamilton Beach iron but I have had their blender, hand mixer and various other appliances and they are good work horses.
    thelady at

  157. I'd sure love to win a new iron. Mine's always "spitting" mad, leaking water all over the place.

  158. Ooooh! A new iron would be fun to try! I've yet to find one that I really love and trust.

  159. We were just talking about getting a new iron. Thanks for the tip.

  160. Really nice of you and Hamilton Beach to give us a chance to win this! Ummm...
    Retractable cord!!! Oh yes PLEASE!

  161. Lots of steam?? Oh please, count me in. Great review, thank you for the generous giveaway!

  162. Wow! What a beautiful looking iron. My iron has just about pressed it's last seam. I'd love to win this iron!

  163. Funny to see this giveaway today - my beloved iron just started giving me trouble! My family may walk around in wrinkly clothes, but I certainly can't sew without a good iron! :) Thanks!

  164. Sounds like a great iron! Thanks for the chance to win!

  165. Great review. I really need a new iron. My in trying to leave stain on my grand daughter sweet 16 dress I am making.

  166. Looks like a good iron and pretty too!

  167. I definitely need a new iron my Rowenta coughed it'a last gasp. I am currently using a cheapie which I don't like at all. So pleaseeeeeeeeeee pick me.

  168. Oh my gosh! Would love to have a new iron and this one looks fabulous! Thanks for the chance!

  169. Wow, a new iron... how awesome! Mine has been used by too many crafters who do not realize that heat / iron & plastic do NOT mix 😉 hehehe.

    Also, what a joy to see all of the items on your blog... a nice variety & beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.

    God Bless You & Your Children,

    Jean LaBeau

  170. Oh I love an iron review, that certainly speaks to my interests!! Would love to try this one for myself, although the setting issue might drive me a little batty until I get used to it or used to remembering to turn it each time.

  171. Steam irons known for the best wrinkle remover form every kind of clothes. Steam irons offer a number of unique benefits. Not only are they lightweight to hold and easy to use, but they also can make ironing faster. Read this.


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