
Monday, November 18, 2013

Comedy of Errors

Fort Firefly Activity Pouches by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

I can sew, bake, sing, play the guitar, even draw a little. Sports, however, have never been one of my strong points. This should have occurred to me on Saturday night when I saw the dog's ball sitting on the kitchen floor and traipsed over to kick it back to her. Two seconds later my feet were flying up in the air, and my back and head hit the floor -- hard. A few hours in the emergency room and some personal time with an IV and a head scan yielded the diagnosis of a mild concussion, and I firmed up my new resolution to leave any dreams of athleticism behind me for good. So many thanks to all of you who left such sweet comments on Instagram over the weekend. I haven't felt so achingly sore since my last c-section, but I'm getting a little better each day. It's hard to say, though, if I'll ever be able to wear socks on laminate flooring again without fear and trembling...

With that comedy of errors behind us, let's talk about sewing. I don't think I've ever gotten so much out of a fat quarter bundle as I did out of my stack of Fort Firefly: a baby quilt, an organizer, and now a set of activity pouches which I made for our church. Our Director of Christian Education plans to stuff these with all kinds of goodies that little ones can play with during the service.

Fort Firefly Activity Pouches by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

Again, I love that this fabric is pretty gender neutral. Though there are definitely a few girly prints, most of the colors and designs work well for both boys and girls. Cotton webbing has become my new best friend. It cuts down on sewing time since I don't have to make my own straps, and it makes a project look just a little more finished at the same time. Believe it or not, I still have some Fort Firefly scraps left, but I'm setting them aside for some quiet hand sewing over the next few days while my body recuperates.

Fort Firefly Activity Pouches by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

Of course, the real lesson here is to spend less time in the kitchen and more time at my sewing machine...right?


  1. I've been thinking of you, Heidi! and praying for a speedy recovery.

  2. Hope you feel fully recovered soon! Such cute bags.

  3. SO glad you are ok and feeling some better. I second what Erin said!

  4. ouch, that sounds so painful and scary. Glad to hear you're doing better now. Super fun pouches, by the way.

  5. Aw Heidi, I hope you are healing fast! That sounds horrible. I've had my share of falls so I can empathize =/

  6. Definitely avoid the kitchen.. what were you doing in there anyway? ;) Sorry to hear about your fall! Sounds painful, and I hope you recover soon! Those little pouches are adorable!! Love them, and love the webbing idea too! xo

  7. so glad you are feeling a bit better. Hope you can continue to rest well :-)

  8. So glad you're on the mend! Those little pouches are very cute, and such a good idea!

  9. Ouch! How annoying. Glad you are alright. Happy sewing!

  10. Glad you are feeling better. The pouches are adorable. I also like keeping cotton webbing around for quick bag handles.

  11. Oh I am so glad you are feeling better, I am not even remotely athletic either and I broke my leg tripping over a suitcase once so I can totally relate!

  12. So very cute! I am so sorry to hear of your mishap. Get well soon.

  13. Haha - yes, definitely more time at the sewing machine and less time in the kitchen! Some hand sewing will definitely help with your recovery! I love cotton webbing too. I stamp initials on to it and sew it on to messenger bag handles to personalise them.

  14. Oh that sounds horrible, wishing you a speedy recovery.

  15. Heidi! Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry you got hurt! I wasn't on IG much over the weekend and missed this. Hope you are feeling better!

  16. Get well super soon! Love your pouches.

  17. Oh no! I did that once with a kickball on asphalt... came to with a gaggle of kids standing over me asking if the game could be over to go have snack time - so much empathy! haha Hope you're fully recovered soon and that Santa stuffs your stocking with lots of pairs of grippy socks ; )

  18. Yikes! I hope you're feeling better soon. Love the little pouches, they are very sweet.


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