
Sunday, August 11, 2013


We finished the last of the quilts for my girls this weekend -- the special Mommy-and-me-sewing-time quilts. And when I stepped back to look at the results, I can honestly say that I was stunned. They turned out even better than I'd hoped.

My girls definitely take after Mommy: they love the design step better than any other part of the process. Bear had a blast picking out her scraps, and even though I had to call a halt to the selection process finally ("I want to use them all, Mommy!"), she ended up with the largest quilt of the three. I was amazed at how she really did seem to stick to a color scheme, and I loved that she added lots of neutrals in there. She even inspired me to put together a Fabric Audition based on her choices which I'll share with you later this week. One of many things I've learned through this experience -- let your kids sew with your good fabric. Pretty fabric makes a pretty quilt, no matter who's doing the sewing.

Mouse was a little different. She dove into my bucket, grabbed her scraps, and was done in about two minutes flat. Surprised, I asked if she wanted to add more, but she shook her little head. "No," she said, "I'm good."

Bear wanted to sew with me for quite a while, and then by the time we were on to the binding, she was ready to move on to other things. Mouse, on the other hand, wanted to sit on my lap for almost every stitch. She was even slightly offended that I wouldn't let her do any ironing, and I had to keep chasing her away from the cutting mat whenever I needed to trim something.

It was all chatter and giggles and silly faces with these two little ones as we did our sewing. By the end, I was sewing the binding on Mouse's quilt while the three girls played "Fabric Shop" behind me. I did my best not to laugh aloud as I listened to their dialogue including little tidbits like "I'd like 10 and 1/9th feet of this one," or "So what are you going to make with this: a lampshade or a dress?" When I was finished, I had a mountain of fabric to refold and three happy little girls to tuck into bed with their treasured quilts.

It was a very good day.


  1. Too cute. I love the stories behind the scenes and the way their personalities came through the telling.

  2. Such a lovely blog post Heidi! That's what memories are made of. Love the finished quilts - and the fabric shop story - that's so cute!!

  3. Um... love!! <3 Precious. I can't even.

  4. Awwww, heart melting!! What fabulous fun :) And I did literally LOL at their fabric shop conversation - I hope they didn't ACTUALLY cut the fabric ;)

  5. Good for you Heidi. Memories and the quilts will be cherished forever. I think Mommy deserves a little shopping trip to replenish the stash : )

  6. I loved reading this post Heidi! What memories to treasure!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  7. Seriously. This is what it's all about. Love it, Heidi!

  8. So sweet! I'm jealous; I can't wait until my little monkeys are old enough to join me in the sewing room.

  9. OK,OK,OK....why do you insist on these precious stories? They always get me in the heart! I had a wonderful sewing experience with my daughter this weekend also, except she's 32! She has asked to learn how to quilt! It is thrilling no matter what age they are.

  10. I am so inspired by this, hopefully I can do something with my daughter soon. And how fun to find out their little quilting personalities!

  11. so cute! I love that their different personalities shone through in their quilt making :-)

  12. Gorgeous, love the playing at fabric shopping!

  13. I felt like I was hearing your girls playing fabric shop! This is such a wonderful idea. I'm going to use it with my children. Quilts are just so wonderful for so many reasons!

  14. What a great story! I love it! Wonderful memories for all of you.

  15. Your girls did a wonderful job with their selections! The fabric shop conversation is so cute!

  16. That is so sweet!!! All your girls made such wonderful quilts - I think I said this last time but they sure got their mom's talent for fabric selection! And I love how they played fabric shop! Too cute!

  17. Oh, that's so sweet! Makes me remember "sewing" with my mom.

  18. Oh what a wonderful post. Sounds like a fabulous day none of you will ever forget. And they will allways have their special quilts.

  19. "good fabric makes good quilts" = yes. These two are lovely quilts too! thank you for sharing "the rest of the story" too. All weekend I was itchy for my 2-year-old to be ready to sew with me. Though I am certainly not ready to give up her gloriously long afternoon naps! :)

  20. Such a lovely memory you and the girls will have of this sewing, the quilts are so cute :o)


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