
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Storytelling Pillow

When the amazingly talented Janice of Better Off Thread started showing peeks of her new Round the Blocks pattern on Instagram, I was excited. When she gave me the chance to pattern test the block for her, I was absolutely thrilled. This quilt block is full of possibilities, and her fantastic pattern instructions make the process of paper piecing and sewing curves completely doable. As I started rummaging through my Heather Ross scraps for the little windows, the idea suddenly came to me: a storytelling pillow!

My husband is a genius when it comes to bedtime stories. I often hear him spinning tales to our daughters in the evenings about the three little hippopotamus sisters who live in a tree house in the forest of Galamagoo -- and who (strangely enough) are usually having an adventure that coincides with whatever activity the girls are planning to do the next day. My daughters adore story time with Daddy, and they've gotten so that they love telling stories to each other too, so a pillow like this is going to get lots of use.

The process for using the pillow is simple: pick a main character from the four choices in the middle circle, add in a few details from the ring of characters, and then choose a setting from the corners. You can mix and match in so many ways that the options really are endless.

I used a cheater print by Jay-Cyn Designs from the Storyboek II collection for the back of the pillow. I figure this throws a few more characters into the mix if need be, and I love the whimsy of these designs. Click on over to Craftsy if you'd like to buy Janice's brilliant pattern for yourself. At just $3.95, how can you resist? She has some other wonderful options for this block too which you can see at the link above. I really can't wait to see what everyone else makes with this.

Meanwhile Bunny just got her first chance with the storytelling pillow on her afternoon school break. As I type this, she's over in the corner with the pillow in her lap talking softly to herself, "Once upon a time there was a Daddy Mouse, a Mommy Mouse, and a Baby Mouse, and they all lived together in the crazy pond..."

I can't wait to hear how it ends.

Linking up to Finish It Up Friday.


  1. This is so awesome! My little one always wants me to make up stories and I struggle. I've got to add this to my Make list.

  2. This is adorable! I love the fussy cutting, especially that little gnome :)

  3. I love your fussy cut! A story telling pillow is such a brilliant idea. adore!

  4. Heidi, this is just AMAZING. I can't tell you how much I love it, its the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. I'm totally making one for baby R's room, thanks for the inspiration.

  5. That is adorable Heidi! I like how you really thought about which fussy cuts to use in the different places on the block. I want to hear the rest of Bunny's story.

  6. You did such a great job on the block, Heidi! Thanks for being such an awesome pattern tester. I can't wait to hear how the story ends, too:)

  7. Awwwww. That is the cutest! I saw the pattern before and I love what you've done to make it uniquely yours!

  8. This is absolutely amazing!! I love every last bit of it, especially how sparks imagination!

  9. Lovely! What an awesome way to tell a story. Could be pretty sweet with little embroidery patches too. Oh! speaking of patches... what about Girl Scout patches? That would be much better than displaying them in a shadow box!

  10. This is absolutely beyond darling! Your imagination is nothing but wonderful!

  11. I just love this Heidi! What a fantastic idea! It's such a gorgeous cushion and I'm sure will inspire many fun stories!

  12. Oh, I'm not a jealous person, but I want that pillow!! So cute.

  13. You are BRILLIANT! This is such a fantastic idea - it reminds me of story stones (but without all the noise!) which are wonderful for literacy and creative stories!

  14. So adorable! I would love to make one of these. Like you said, so many possibilities. Great job.

  15. What Jeneta said! I can't even believe what thoughtfulness and care went into this pillow - absolutely darling and what a clever idea!!

  16. That is the best idea ever. My kids occasionally ask for non-book stories, and my brain just goes blank. Usually I end up with "the princess brushed all her teeth and went to bed, the end" or some variation of "and then the princess did this...."

    And I'm entirely jealous of your Heather Ross collection. I'm working my way there.

  17. I really love what you've done with this pattern Heidi! So sweet.

  18. Amazing project! I love what you did with the block. Using it as a storytelling pillow is such a great and creative idea! The fussy cuts are all so adorable.

  19. I love everything about this pillow! So clever of you :)

  20. How creative! And what a wonderful way to foster imagination. My fingers will have to fly over to Craftsy to get the pattern.

  21. This is probably the coolest pillow ever. Love the story behind it, the utility and your fabric choices. Fantastic finish!!

  22. How fun. An I-spy a story pillow, love the block and your version of it!

  23. Fantastic idea. I love it. Very inspiring.

  24. Heidi, you're knocking it out of the park lately! This pillow is amazing. So glad you heard that sweet little voice telling herself a story with the pillow--your husband is growing a generation of storytellers!

  25. This is so cute. I love the addition of the black and white polka dots.

  26. That is just the most adorable idea ever! Brilliant for developing their imagination as well as being aa cute as a button! :D

  27. oh, wow!!! this is simply beyond adorable!!!

  28. What a brilliant idea for using this pattern!! I'm sure your kids will love it!


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