
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


1. Carefree, 2. Kid's Travel Bags, 3. Patchwork Wristlets 2, 4. LJ Quilt, 5. Chevron Doll Quilt, 6. Nanny Bee Pouches

July was just plain crazy. We lead a pretty hectic life in our house, but it's been a while since we've had a month as busy as this past one. I think we fit about three months worth of activities, vacationing, and medical appointments into the last four weeks. The projects above were mostly gifts for some of the wonderful people in my life, the only exception being my Carefree quilt which was a little gift for me.

By the way, I can't recommend those travel bags I made for the girls highly enough. If you have kids or know kids or are thinking of giving birth to a kid some time in the near future, make one of these for them -- the parents will love you forever. Not only did these little wonder bags keep my girls busy during the eight hour car trip, they also entertained them in restaurants, during church, at the house, absolutely everywhere we went. I knew they were going to be helpful, but I had no idea they were going to be miraculous. If these bags had feet, I would kiss them. Seriously...I love them that much.

Linking up to Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts.


  1. This is summer my dear when we are supposed to slow down : )
    Try to enjoy August. Lovely projects again

  2. gorgeous projects, Heidi. Hope you'll be able to take it easy soon.

  3. Wow, you've had a busy month! I am always more productive in summer than winter, I spend longer awake instead of hibernating! I love those travel bags, I think they'll be the perfect thing for the kids' fun stuff when we go camping.

  4. All gorgeous, what a busy month you had! Lovely to see your creations, as usual!

  5. Nice projects. Those bags are my fav from your mosaic.

  6. Lovely projects, the carefree quilt is beautiful!

  7. I love all your gorgeous projects!!

  8. You weren't kidding on those bags. They were my lifesavers!!!!

  9. Love all your projects - such gorgeous fabric choices! And I agree about busy bags. We have a different style, but I never go anywhere without them for my kids - quiet occupied kids are the best ; )

  10. Those bags are so charming! I'll have to try making one -- they look very functional, and so sweet.

  11. Kiss their feet! You make me laugh! What a super month of production you have had. Love that LJ quilt I spy there.

  12. At least it was a good month! Hope August is a bit less busy for us both! (I mean once I get back from MY vacation!) ;-)


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