
Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Week

Well, I'll tell's been quite the week around here. Our internet service has been dying a slow death, which is why the blog has been a bit more quiet than usual. Every time the internet is working, I'm in the middle of something, and every time I'm ready to post, it's down. A new internet router is supposedly coming to our rescue and should be arriving by mail tomorrow. Unfortunately the old router and our car's transmission seem to have made a suicide pact when we weren't looking, so we're taking our minivan in for what will in all likelihood be the most expensive auto service appointment in history tomorrow morning. Perhaps all this explains why I suddenly wanted to burst into happy tears when I found this package in my mailbox today.

This is my California Road Trip blogger bundle that I put together for Jennifer at Tactile Fabrics, and I have to say, it looks even better in person than it did on the computer screen. I can hardly wait to start cutting out pieces for a summer quilt from this happy little stack of fabrics. It looks like the bundles are definitely selling, so head over to Jennifer's shop if you want to grab one for yourself before they're gone. You can get a fat eighth bundle for as little as $16.25, which should still (hopefully) be in even my price range after we get tomorrow's repair bill from the auto shop.

I also wanted to show you this wristlet that I made on Sunday night for a friend of mine. I used a navy print from Bonnie and Camille's Happy Go Lucky line, definitely one of my favorite fabric collections of the past year. My friend and her husband love to travel -- in fact, he just finished leading a tour group through historical European sites relating to the Reformation -- so I tucked a little travel journal inside just for fun.

My dad and I were commiserating over the dinner table this evening about the unending parade of disasters we've had this week -- did I mention that his recliner broke beyond repair last night? seriously -- and I couldn't believe the list as I ticked off everything that had died over the past seven days. My dad just shook his head, "Ah, the week of death..." Then he grinned, "Well, as long as none of us dies, I think we're doing okay."

And now I'd better press the "publish" button before my computer blows up or something...

Linking up to Finish It Up Friday.


  1. Ugh, that's the worst! Hope everything is back to normal soon. Cute wristlet - perfect fabric selection!

  2. At least it is friday tomorrow and the week is almost over! I love the bundle and the wristlet. Keeping my fingers crossed about the minivan:)

  3. Great job on your fabric selections! Absolutely love it! Hope its arrival is the start of many more positive things.

  4. oh, that sounds like such a bad week, sorry to hear that. Hope things get fixed and back to normal very, very soon. Love the pouch, and the bundle. Both are so lovely.

  5. Oh dear! Hate weeks like that! Let's hope that's everything all done in one hit and you can get back to normal again! Glad you got a bit of fabric-y goodness to brighten up a rough week!

  6. So sorry to hear about the bad week! That bundle is fantastic! You have such a great eye for matching fabrics!

  7. you have such great colors in your bundle and your wristlet is really cute! We just had to wait on a new router ourselves. so. frustrating.

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation
    Needle and Thread Thursday

  8. Delicious bundle. Glad all the humans are alright ; )

  9. Oh dear... I am super glad that you got happy mail! super pretty fabrics! I hate it when things go wrong. Next week will be better!

  10. Ugh! I feel your pain... I've been having car troubles this week too. Not fun:( good thing you got some pretty fabrics to console yourself. I might have to hit the fabric store and get som le pretty fabri.c while I can still afford it too. Lol. Good luck!

  11. What a week indeed! We had a year like that once. One New Year's Eve when we came home to a broken hot water heater and a flooded garage, I burst into tears. Thankfully that was IT and the year from you know where was over! Whew!!! Glad your terrible week is over. Meanwhile - darling little fabric stack - good job, Heidi!

  12. I hope that things look up for you from now on. I love the fabrics you have selected for your bundle.

  13. I ordered that bundle, because I just love the colours you picked! Beautiful! :)

    Hope nothing else bad happens for you, always seems that it all comes at once, right!

  14. Sorry you've had a bad week. Keep your chin up, it could always be worse. Love the wristlet!

  15. Good God, get better, ALL of you!!! Love your new bundle, and I agree, it must have been so fab to see it come to life in person :D

  16. Ah, yes. I've been there. Last year actually.

    Lovely fabrics! And wristlet

  17. We've all experienced such weeks. i guess that's where the saying...tomorrow is a new day....comes in! Lovely projects and always!

  18. i agree with your dad - at least it's only things doing the dying! but oh, so frustrating to deal with. =) glad you got your happy in the mail! that's definitely a bit of sunshine in your gloom. so pretty. the travel journal is a great touch to the wristlet gift!

  19. Awesome bundle and beautiful bag! I'm emailing you now!

  20. Glad you got some happy mail! What a perfect bundle! Hope your repairs are less budget blowing than you think!

  21. The fabric bundle is terrific! Love the wristlet, looks like the perfect size!

  22. I got my bundle of fabrics today and I wanted to say that you picked great ones! I love the colours and can't wait to cut into them :D


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