
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Keeping the Peace

Full Moon Lagoon Floor Pillow by Fabric Mutt
Bear's Pillow Front

Mothers of the world, do yourself a favor: make a floor pillow for each of your children.

Full Moon Lagoon Floor Pillow by Fabric Mutt
Bear's Pillow Back

I love these magic cushions. All I have to do is toss them around the room and say, "Go sit on your pillow." Instantly every child makes a dive for their spot and is perfectly happy to sit there while they watch a show, eat their snack, or look at a book. And when the pillows are spread far enough apart, nobody is close enough to poke, swat, or generally annoy anybody else. I'm in heaven, I tell you. At last, keeping the peace doesn't seem to be an utterly impossible task in my family room.

Full Moon Lagoon Floor Pillow by Fabric Mutt
Mouse's Pillow Front

After finishing Bunny's pillow earlier this week, I instantly saw the potential and worked feverishly to complete one for Bear and then one for Mouse. As I said in the first post on these, the squares are all exactly the same. I just mixed them up a little and quilted them differently.

Full Moon Lagoon Floor Pillow by Fabric Mutt
Mouse's Pillow Back

Bear's top has wavy vertical quilting down the front, and I stitched a quarter inch away from each seam on the top of Mouse's pillow. I also left off the border on the last two pillows which made the covers fit a little more snugly, just the way I like them. Bunny prefers the loose fit of her pillow, though, so everyone's happy.

Full Moon Lagoon Floor Pillow by Fabric Mutt

Happy indeed.


  1. I love these floor pillows! I can't wait to make one for my baby girl and baby boy! I should make one for the hubby too :)

  2. So cute (the girls and the pillows!)

  3. Such a good idea! What size are did you make yours?

  4. Ha!! You are too funny! I better make some for my kids and see if it helps out over here too!

  5. I see a puppy dog in that pic that looks very sad that he doesn't have a pillow....hint hint

  6. Great idea! I don't have kids, but if I did... I'd take your floor pillow advice! As usual, I love your fabric combos :D

  7. Wonderful idea! Love the fact that they are all the same, only different!

  8. Love the pillows - especially if they magically make the loungeroom a peaceful place! Gorgeous fabric choices!

  9. Those are really lovely pillows. Thanks for sharing the story how they work in action too. ;)

  10. Gorgeous, all of them, and the cushions!

  11. Love them! Does the dog have one, too? ;)

  12. Those are great and you can tell how much your girls love them! Nice job!

  13. So cute, I love how each one is subtly different. Lovely pic of all the girls sitting there :D

  14. Very sweet. I can't imagine those three little angels fighting........: )

  15. Neat! The last picture is really sweet.

  16. Very fun! Aren't you the clever mama!? ;-)

  17. These are so cute! I'm curious, what size are they and what did you fill them with? A pillow form or stuffing?

  18. Adorable! Beautiful fabrics, pillows and children!!


  19. Now you definitely have me convinced. I would love for my girls to sit on the floor like that and watch a movie without fighting. What size did you make them again?

  20. Brilliant. But now the dog seems to be wondering where her's is.

  21. What a fun idea -- I'm not a mother but I can see many uses for these kinds of pillows. What size did you make them, and di you have pillow inserts already?

  22. Lovely cushions, I need some of these, although I don't think they'd have the same effect on my daughter!

  23. They all look so content! What a great Mom you are :)


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