
Friday, April 26, 2013

Melford Unplugged & Other News

My sister-in-law's birthday is tomorrow, and though I'm late with her gift this year, it's a good one. I've already extolled the virtues of the two Melford Messenger Bags I've made in the past year here and here, so I won't bore you with the same spiel again. This time I tried to simplify the bag a bit more, removing the outer pocket and buttons so that they wouldn't compete with Anna Maria Horner's glorious new Parenthetical linen print. I also used a velcro closure this time instead of a snap.

The purse and strap are lined in Pressed Field Peony from the same linen collection. I have more of these prints on hand which I hope to make into a larger summer bag soon. I can't recommend this fabric highly enough.

My dad is retiring this Sunday after twelve years as the pastor of his current church. We're all so proud of him and excited to be celebrating this milestone through special gatherings over the next two days with friends and family. When he and my mom were cleaning out his office over the past two weeks, I suddenly looked at his desk and said, "This would make a fantastic sewing table!" My dad was sweet enough to let me have it, and we all can't believe how perfectly it works. I used it for the first time yesterday, and it was absolutely dreamy to have so much space to stretch out and work.

After a four year hiatus, I have a smartphone again, much to my delight. The best part of this, of course, is that now I get to be on Instagram. You can find me by clicking the button on the left side of this screen or by just going here. I'm having a ball trying out this fun new way to stay in touch.

And finally, my deepest thanks to all of you who sent such kind encouraging words and prayers about my husband's medical issues last weekend. Yesterday he went in for a heart ultrasound and an appointment with a cardiologist to discuss his atrial fibrillation. When they tested him, they could find nothing wrong with his heart at all. Not a thing. They're doing some further testing to confirm it, but it looks very much like he's going to be just fine. I can't begin to tell you how grateful we are for such wonderfully miraculous news.

Linking up with Finish It Up Friday.


  1. Oh Heidi that is wonderful news!!
    The bag is brilliant, the print is gorgeous! And yeah for the new sewing space :)

  2. I've been on vacation and somehow missed about your husband's medical concern - SO glad everything is ok!! Blessings thru the additional testing etc.
    Awesome about your desk/sewing table! (And Ig of course!)

  3. Really pleased to hear your husbands good news! And what a fabulous bag, love the fabric choice, perfect as always! :o)

  4. That bag is sooo great! Love the table/desk, and THRILLED at your husband's good report! A great week to be sure!

  5. Lovely! I am waiting for my linen to arrive although I only ordered a 1/2 yard to play with. Glad that you have had good news about your husband too!

  6. So glad to hear your husband is ok! I know how scary that can be!! A few years back my husband, who experiences a skipped heart beat regularly, had an episode of atrial fibrillation. His was triggered by a slush of all things. It was very scary and we ended up in the ER. He did all kinds of tests with cardiologists, etc, and they also found nothing wrong, thank God!

    Love your bag! And the fabric. I think I may need some of that! :)

  7. Such a gorgeous bag, and a heartwarming post :-)

  8. What a lovely sewing table...I'm curious as to what you're storing on the keyboard tray?!?!? =)

    Glad to hear your hubby is fine! PTL!

  9. Wonderful news about your husband. Awesome gift from your dad! That bag is just plain awesome. Love the fabric and the curves.

  10. congratulatons on your dads retirement, though I bet he'll be like my dad and filling in whenevr he can, they just can't leave the pulpit. And for your husbands good news.

  11. Love the bag, that fabric is awesome! Nice sewing desk find!

  12. how wonderful, so happy to hear the great news about your husband's health. And how fun to celebrate your dad's retirement with all the family. Plus, that desk is the best for sewing, plenty of surface to put piles of fabric on :) Love the bag, too.

  13. Praying his follow up testing is all normal too!! Love that sewing table, just perfect!

  14. That's wonderful news about your husband, you must be so relieved. The bag looks amazing, the feather fabric is so pretty - i'm sure your sister-in-law will love it, and the new sewing tables are great, i'm jealous! :o)

  15. I missed the news about your husband, but so glad to hear all is ok! And lucky you getting a new sewing table and smartphone :-) The bag is gorgeous too.

  16. Our God is an AWSOME God!!! So glad about the great news. Love the purse. Jealous of the smartphone!

  17. Nice to see what a great week of news and celebrations you are having

  18. So glad to hear about your husband. Congrats to your father :)!
    I am OBSESSED with your bag. Do you think the FS linen would cushion a laptop well? I'm trying to figure out if I can use it for that purpose... I haven't bought any yet.

  19. Great news about your husband, Heidi! And oh my goodness, what a great sewing desk. May you spend many a happy hour sewing away! Totally going to follow you on IG!!

  20. Lovely bags - I had to look back and check out the other's you have made as well!

  21. Beautiful bag. Think how blessed your sewing will be after all those sermons being written at that desk ; )

  22. So glad to hear that! And oh I want some of that linen! Hope there's still some around next year when I'm buying fabric again! :)

  23. Fantastic news!

    I myself am trying to decide which linen to get to ake a big bag....

  24. Your purse for your SIL is just gorgeous! That fabric is delicious.
    Glad to have the good news about your husband's health.


  25. Good news! Your purse is awesome, by the way!

  26. Yay for good news :-) And I love your new bag!

  27. That is wonderful news! The bag is lovely and the desk looks like it works great.

  28. Ooooh I love that Anna Maria fabric. I've finished one of her projects too - a 'Bohemian' quilt pattern I adapted. I think the pattern selection fits the Bohemian bill, too.

    I like your sewing style :-)


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