
Thursday, April 4, 2013


It happened this week -- the thing I've been dreading. My little Mouse suddenly became aware that her room is dark at night and that darkness is sort of, well, scary. I've been in with her three or four times each night as she wakes up crying from bad dreams that she can't completely remember. Now she won't let me put her down for a nap without looking at me with those big, blue, tear-filled eyes and pleading, "Mommy, will you wock me and sing a song foh me?" So we rock and I sing and then she cries quietly when I finally tuck her in bed. It's the stuff of life that every child goes through, yet it still tears at the heart of a mother. To help her cope with it all (and me too, I suppose), I decided to make her a special lovey to keep with her when it's nappy time.

My friend Lori held a low volume print charm swap a while back, and I was so happy to finally dig into the pile I've been keeping in my cabinet. I mixed in a few brighter prints to balance it all out, backed it in an American Jane print, and quilted it all over with a wavy stitch on my machine. The binding is made up of leftover scraps from previous projects. It's a simple little quilt, and really that's all it needs to be.

I've always told my girls that when they're wrapped up in one of my quilts, they're all wrapped up in Mommy's love. Hopefully we can all sleep better tonight...especially this precious little girl.

Linking up to Finish It Up Friday.


  1. awww. So sweet. Hope the scary stage passes soon. My grandgirl (2 1/2)is going through the stage where noises scare her... ;-(

  2. That must be hard for both of you! I hope her little lovey keeps the bad dreams at bay :)

    I love seeing what everyone is doing with their low volume charms! It makes me smile that little bits of fabric I cut have already been used in so many ways :) especially in this case!

  3. Poor girl! My son is almost 3 and is horribly afraid of the dark. We tried nightlights, but he kept taking them apart. I finally broke down and bought him one of those horribly ugly dreamlites pillow pets and it has done trick. He calls it "Fido" and sleeps with it every night.

  4. Oh....poor little gal. I hope the lovey helps! Both of my kids have ridiculously bright "nightlights", they are just lamps with low watt bulbs, that helped us a lot. Hope she feels better soon!

  5. Sweet little girl....I hope she discovers how beautiful the dark can be....that is when you can see the stars!

  6. Awww Hope it helps! It's a very sweet little quilt.

  7. Very sweet. Poor little thing. Growing up is hard work!

  8. Awww, so cute! I love the low volume look!

  9. It's certainly soothing to look at - hope it works!

  10. Precious girl! What a comfort a quilt is. Hope this phase is over quickly for her -and you!!

  11. Aw. That is such a sweet story and quilt. :o)

  12. Her lovey is beautiful, and so sweet! Love it. I hope it helps soothe her. xo

  13. I just want to give you both a big hug!! I hope her Lovey will help her sleep better!

  14. Awww poor thing. That has to be so hard for you but I'm sure the quilt will help! The low volume charm squares look fantastic!

  15. That is just so sweet. and the quilt is darling. :)

  16. Very sweet! And a great use of the low volumes.

  17. Poor little one, and hard on mom. I'm sure your quilt will be a great comfort for her.

  18. Aw, what a sweet post, sweet quilt, and very sweet little girl!

  19. How wonderful. The girls will treasure it forever. Since I started sewing last September, I always think the best thing is making something for my son....and then I think it is really nice when he comes and asks me to fix things he finds :-). Nice job and very sweet post.

  20. Adorable quilt! I am sure it is a great comfort to her. The low volume charms were perfect for this project. Such calming colors!

  21. Dear Heidi,
    "Little mouse" is blessed to have you for her Mommy. The lovey is lovely. I hope she feels your love for her every time she wraps up in it!

  22. My little grandson is going through the same thing. What a sweet quilt made by a very sweet mama.

  23. she is precious beyond words. Oh, and the quilt is too!!


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