
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fabric Auditions

While I love the look of a fabric collection all by itself, I also love mixing prints together. It's the genius that I adore in projects by bloggers like Ayumi and Amy -- who incidentally had a brilliant post on just this topic recently. I agree with her that the most important factor in all of this is simply practice, so I've decided to add in a weekly post called Fabric Auditions. I'll pull a stack of fabrics from my stash and give it a name. That's it -- nothing fancy. Some of these may end up in a project, most probably won't, but it's the practice that counts.

This one is called "Pineapple Upside Down Cake." I love those Geekly Chic glasses and the Comma prints. Black and white fabrics are really growing on me lately.

This is going to be fun.


  1. Good idea! I have so much trouble with fabric choices that practicing makes sense :)

  2. Great thought! what a great way to peruse your stash and stretch the brain

  3. Brilliant! Maybe I'll join you. :)

  4. Fun idea! Ironically, I am currently working on something with a very similar palette!

  5. Nice bundle! I love the geekly chic - can't wait to get my hands on some :o)

  6. I love this idea and your first pull is gorgeous!!!

  7. Oh, this is gorgeous! You have such a great eye for color!

  8. I like this collection very much ; )

  9. Oh I love black and white prints! And dark grey! Anything but red, really. Can you believe I have NO RED in my collection at all.
    I love the name, that is inventive! And Ayumi....well, she is the queen, in my opinion, of all things mxie and matchie

  10. Very nice collection! I have a thing for pink and orange! I'm looking forward to your other auditions.

  11. What a great idea! I'm in need of some practice myself. Love this stack of fabric. Those commas! So cute!

  12. Very clever! Love your first pick!

  13. Ha! I clicked on the photo wanting to buy that bundle! Had to keep reading to figure out that it was your stash and what you were doing...crazy!

  14. After reading your book, i simply do the same since i have trouble matching colors. Practice practice practice..thank you for the inspiration.

  15. Love - Love how we can view your post. Very - very interesting !!! I have to think and decade what it is that I need for Materials --Thanks so Much --


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