
Thursday, January 3, 2013


It's a little early for Valentine's Day, but this pillow came together for me out of nowhere, and I just couldn't wait until February 14th to give it to my husband. Lately he's been calling me the "Queen of Hexagons" since I'm so often working on stacks of them in the evenings while we watch old episodes of Poirot mysteries.

I carefully chose a bright palette of one and a half inch hexagons for this little heart, attached it to a piece of black yarn dyed Essex linen, and embroidered our initials below in red embroidery floss. It's not fancy, but I absolutely love it and thankfully so does my husband.

The prints I highlighted for the hexagons are sprinkled with little tidbits from our life: an early picnic date, our love of cooking, the fact that we both play guitar, etc. It was fun to see how many details I could include.

A few side notes...Amy at Badskirt had a wonderfully thoughtful post on curating this week. I highly recommend that you drop by to read it. Meanwhile, my dad went outside to get his copy of the Wall Street Journal this morning and came in to announce that the paper featured an article all about Craftsy. I personally started taking three of their classes over Christmas break, and I'm completely impressed with everything about that site. I'm thrilled for them to be getting some more exposure, and even more excited that everyone in my family is acquiring my radar for all things related to sewing. :)

By the way, my something special I mentioned yesterday is coming up on Monday rather than Friday. This is why I need to start actually using my new calendar...

Linking up to Finish It Up Friday.


  1. This is lush!

    I've never used hexagons but I love how they look, would you consider a really SIMPLE tutorial for us beginners at some point please? xx

  2. oooh, how sweet. I love how you included all those hexies with reference to your lives, what a fantastic idea!!!

  3. I love all the detail you put into the hexies! It's adorable - I'm not surprised your husband loves it :)

    1. I meant to add - that post on curating was refreshing. Thanks for the link!

  4. Very cute! I like that you make things for your husband. In general in blog land, it seems like guys often get the short end of the stick on receiving sewn things.

    Great link on curating--although I don't agree with all of it (Cut out friends if they're late? Holy cow.) The general idea of mindfulness in all things is a great one though.

  5. This is the sweetest pillow and I love how you picked little bits that represent "your life together" to add to the hexies. It's really great timing that you posted this now... my maiden name is Valentine so hearts (and Valentine's Day) are pretty big in my family. Just this morning I found a cute pattern to make my daughter a Valentine's Day "something" but I wasn't sure what to make for my other daughter. I think a hexi heart should do the trick! :-)

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Great pillow, Heidi! I really love the idea of putting the initials on there. I shall use it as inspiration I think!

  7. Oh that's brilliant! Love the smattering of fussy cut hexies :o)

  8. Heidi, I love the pillow! What a creative idea --
    using hexagons that represent special memories
    and things you two enjoy doing.
    You and "J" are sure a treasure to me. :-)
    grandma m.

  9. O love watching Poirot with my husband while handsewing! Nice to know you do, too

  10. Who doesn't love a Hexie project. Very nice ; )

  11. I love this pillow and the fact that you whip them up so seemingly fast. Seeing what you have done has inspired me, as my lonely couch could desperately use some freshening up with a new throw pillow or two!!

  12. What a fun pillow! I love that you incorporated all those special moments!

  13. Such a cute pillow! I love the hexie heart :) What a great Valentine's gift!

  14. I love everything about that pillow!!!

  15. This is such a sweet pillow - love how you have used the hexies!


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