
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Seven Years

My husband is the man of a thousand hobbies. History, astronomy, photography, languages, geography, knitting, pasta and bread making (from scratch), and of course, his beloved gardening -- just to name a few. A few weeks back, we had a telescope visit our home for a few nights, and my husband asked if I could sew together some sort of bean bag to stabilize it. I grabbed a large scrap of Ruby Star Records and stitched as fast as I could to have it done in time for that night's viewing extravaganza.

While this isn't the prettiest thing I ever made, I figure that it's good for you to see the random projects too. This bag is approximately eight inches in diameter and has three straps along its sides which end in velcro loops. If I had it to do over again, I would have made those straps at least twice as wide, but as I said, I was in a hurry. The loops hung on each leg of the tripod to balance the telescope in the middle. While it didn't make a massive difference in the viewing quality, it did help a bit. Once the telescope had departed, the bean bag immediately found a new position as a camera stabilizer for my husband's fancy camera. If it ever gets bored with that job, my youngest is more than happy to use it as a balance beam, which is where I rescued it from this afternoon.

Speaking of my husband, tomorrow marks seven years since we walked down the aisle together as man and wife after meeting just over a year before that on eharmony -- yes, we're one of those success stories. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that God brought this man into my life. He's not perfect, but he is exactly the right man for me, bringing balance and perspective when I need it most.

Take a conversation we had one evening a few weeks ago.

I came into our room and collapsed on the bed before moaning, "I just realized today that I'm going to be thirty-five this year. Thirty-five!" I covered my face with my hands. "That's only five years away from forty. What happened??"

My husband just looked at me with raised eyebrows. "You wanna know what happened?" He paused dramatically and then said with a huge smile, "You didn't die!"

I stared at him blankly for a moment, and then laughed as he kept going, "This should be cause for celebration! You should be fist pumping right now and saying, 'Take that, Untimely Death!'"

Cause for celebration indeed. Thanks for the best seven years of my life, sweetheart. Happy Anniversary. :)


  1. Happy anniversary!
    I like the showing of random projects. That's real-life sewing: using your skill for practical good!

  2. :D Yes, Happy Anniversary. My man does stuff like that, too. I love how he keeps me grounded. :)

  3. You have a great smile, Heidi. :) Congrats on the anniversary!

    It seems like you've had some good things happen in 35 years. For some more perspective, I'll probably be working at a Starbucks in a Target and living with 1+ cats when I'm 35, so hopefully that'll help you cheer up a little too. :)

  4. yay!!! happy anniversary. What a sweet post.

  5. Hah! Happy Anniversary. Let's hope you all keep on keeping on for many many years to come. Congratulations to you two.

  6. Look at the beautiful couple! Isn't it crazy how time flies?! Congrats on 7 years-what a blessing! And I can honestly say that's the first hand-sewn telescope stabilizer I've ever seen! So creative!

  7. Happy Anniversary! He sounds like a keeper. :)

  8. You go girl on the random project! And congrats on a great 7 years - awesome!

  9. Happy anniversary!!! The story at the end made me laugh :) I am going to remember that when I start feeling down on future birthdays!

    I like your idea of using the Ruby Star Records fabric for the stabilizer!

  10. Well happy day indeed, and what a better way to look at being 5 years away from 40!! besides forty is not so bad, its the "new thirty". You just did not realize you are actually still in your twenties...

  11. You have one awesome husband! He is absolutely right. Congratulations of finding each other and having the good sense to stick together.

  12. I am so using that line with my friends who bemoan their age! :) Happy (belated) anniversary!


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