
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Travellin' Pic-Stitch Blog Hop

Welcome to my stop on the Travellin' Pic-Stitch Blog Hop -- my thanks to Laura at Quokka Quilts and Katy at The Littlest Thistle for letting me play along!

While I enjoy sewing, my husband's passion is gardening, and there's nothing he loves more than a visit to one of the many garden spots we have here in Southern California. A few weeks ago we took the girls to the Fullerton Arboretum, and while they had fun inspecting a small grove of fruit trees, I wandered around taking pictures...

Near the Pond
Desert Garden
Turtle By the Waterfall
It was a hard decision, but I finally chose the waterfall, a sight you can see as you cross a little bridge into the park. Look closely at the rock in the middle of the water at the bottom -- there's a turtle sunning himself in the 107 degree heat that plagued us that afternoon. Needless to say, it wasn't a long visit that day...

Here's the color palette generated by the Palette Builder at Play Crafts -- a genius tool, if there ever was one. I love that combination of colors on the restful.

I started out with a pretty large stack of prints, which I narrowed down to a smaller selection, and even one of these got tossed out by the time I was finished.

Katy's Spring Carnival block was the source of my pattern pieces, and after playing around with them for a few days, I came up with this design which I'm calling "Turtle Cove."

I like the way the center of the block suggests the shape of a turtle, and I love the text prints scattered throughout the entire piece. That bird cage at the top is one of my favorites.

A pillow cover seemed like the best place for this block to land, and I put one together a few days ago, after which it was quickly hijacked by my three daughters who insisted that they each get a turn to snuggle with it. Obviously I need to do this more often.

Do stop by Pins and Bobbins to see Chelsea's sweet tea towel design from yesterday, and visit Erin at Missy Mac Creations tomorrow for Donktober madness, this time with a Travellin' Pic-Stitch spin.

You can read up on all the details of the blog hop here, including the list of amazing sponsors who are making all this possible. Remember that you too can join in on the fun if you link up a block of your own on November 30th.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I love the layout you designed! Such a cute pillow cover.

  2. Its Gorgeous and I love the love story.. I have been wanting to work with print. I am going to learn alot from ya'll and hope to have a project done by Nov 30. I am excited to learn something new in such a cool way. I love using my great camera.

  3. Oh I love your palette and the inspiration for it! Very nice project!

  4. I love your choice of fabrics to fit the palette, and the inspired way you picked up on the turtle:-) What a great block.

  5. Wow, what a gorgeous design, and yes, I can see the turtle in it!

  6. The bird cage fabric is incredible! I haven't seen that before! Great design too!

  7. gorgeous block, lovely photos and fantastic choice of fabrics! Thanks so much for playing along!!!

  8. gorgeous block, lovely photos and fantastic choice of fabrics! Thanks so much for playing along!!!

  9. Such a pretty pattern and it does remind me of a turtle shape! Cute pillow! :)

  10. beautiful! i especially love the fussy cut birdcage.

  11. Too cute! Love that you linked the turtle from the picture to the turtle in your design

  12. You are so clever - I love how it mimics the turtle!

  13. Beautiful block, it does look like a turtle, how clever! I love your choice of fabrics.

  14. Love the design on the cushion but also the construction, so clever to put two different fabrics at the back!

  15. Oh this is lovely, I really love your colour choices. I'm learning so much about EPP from this bloghop!

  16. I'm amazed by the inspired blocks I'm seeing. Love he turtle block!

  17. I love your pillow! It looks more like gears to me than a turtle, though!

  18. It's so lovely! That texty fabric is making me jealous :)

  19. I also thought immediately, "Oh look it is the turtle!" So cute!

  20. Love love love that little turtle! Beautiful colour palette too. :)

  21. Very fun block! I like the text prints you used too.

  22. This turned out beautifully! I love the text prints so much, and the palette is great! Thank you so much for linking to our palette builder. :D

  23. Sweet pattern! Love the fabric choice. Thanks for sharing your hexies today. Enjoyed the visit...Judith, Texas

  24. I love your turtle! Well done!


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