
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hustle Bustle

Today we have made it a third of the way through the 100 Day Hustle, Kelsey's wonderful support group for those of us who want to accomplish everything (or mostly everything) on our to-do lists before December 31st.  I have to tell you that I was a pretty happy camper when I checked my progress today. So far I've been able to finish about half of the items on both my mandatory and optional lists -- far better than I thought I would do when I wrote these last month, I assure you. Just click on any of the pictures below to take you back to the original project post, unless the photo is making its debut today. Here we go...


1. Christmas potholder for my grandmother: DONE. This was a quick finish -- as in less than an hour. If you're looking for a last minute holiday gift, keep this one on your list.

2. Finish Vintage Holiday quilt (backing, quilting, binding):
DONE. I'm so glad to have this quilt finished and in use. It also took another potential item off my list since I now don't need to make a new bed quilt for Miss Bear.

3. EPP block for Travellin' Pic-Stitch Blog Hop: DONE. This item is also a start on one of the items on my other list as you'll see below.

4. Modernista Swap Project: DONE. I just finished putting my package of goodies together yesterday, and I plan to mail it over the weekend.

5. Modern She Made Swap Project: IN PROGRESS. My fabric choices have been approved, and I've picked a pattern and started cutting.

6. Play quilt for my nieces: IN PROGRESS. I've chosen the fabric and am deciding on a pattern.

7. Diaper bag for my sister:

8. Camera bag for my brother-in-law: IN PROGRESS. I've chosen the fabric and pattern, and now I just have to get this one made.
A few more projects have made their way onto my list in the past month...

9. Scrappy Stash Quilt Along: IN PROGRESS. I'm about a third of the way through my blocks and absolutely loving this project. Forgive the poor lighting in this picture, by the way; it was evening before I was able to get this photo taken.

10. Amy Butler's Weekender Bag: IN PROGRESS. I've chosen my fabric and cut out the pattern pieces, but the bulk of my sewing should happen this weekend. Lori and I are co-hosting The Long Weekend next month, a blog hop featuring different bloggers' versions of this amazing bag. You can check out the details here.

11. Blog Updates: IN PROGRESS. There are a few things that I've been wanting to do with my blog design, and you may notice some changes already up, hopefully giving it a cleaner look. I'd still like to add a few more things, including a page showing my finishes from the past year.


1. New purse for me: DONE. This is, hands down, my favorite purse ever.

2. Pillows for the family room: IN PROGRESS. I'm counting my EPP project as the first of many to come.

3. Tula Pink Sew Along project:
DONE. This pillow cover was a gift for my brother-in-law and his wife. I'd like to make another one for our home -- more progress toward finishing number two on this list.

4. New advent calendar: NO PROGRESS.

5. Finish new quilt for Bunny's bed: IN PROGRESS. The top is almost complete; I just have to add a border of white around the edges of the center design. Then I need to do the backing, quilting, and binding.

All told, I'm feeling pretty good about my chances of finishing my Must Do list before the end of the year, and I'm hoping to finish more from the Want to Do list as well. This sew along has not only given me great accountability, but sitting down to make my lists really helped me focus on the finishes that were most important to me. With the chaotic schedule of the holidays coming up, that kind of organized motivation is priceless. Kelsey, you're my hero!

How are you doing on your list? Please share!


  1. What a lot of gorgeous finishes, Heidi, I don't know how you do it! Keep up the good work but don't over do it (I read your very honest post about trying to do too much and I thought 'I can relate to that!) Sarah x

  2. Heidi, if you haven't already picked out a diaper bag pattern I have a good one (PDF from Etsy) that I can recommend with a few changes (there were a few errors in labeling the pattern pieces on the PDF). Let me know!

  3. I'm currently putting the binding on one of the three baby quilts that I plan to make before the end of the year! I also layered and pin basted a quilt for my boyfriend. I've made a TON more progress on my list than I anticipated! :)

  4. You're doing so great knocking these projects out! What were you thinking of doing for the advent calendar? I want to make one as well. There's one in the Pretty In Patchwork: Holiday book that I think I will do, but I was looking for other options.

  5. Aw thanks!! You're doing an awesome job - thanks for sharing!! I LOVE that purse!! The quilt for Bunny is fabulous too!

  6. You have done a great job keeping up with your list. I just keep adding to mine! Your scrappy log cabin blocks loos awesome. And that purse is gorgeous!

  7. Dayum gurl! You are kickin' butt and taking names! A very good Hustle I must say. Thanks for sharing - it has inspired me to be more hustley... unfortunately I can only cross one thing off my list.

  8. Wow you are really doing a great job on your list!

  9. Seriously, you are putting us other hustlers to shame... How nice to get so much done! Love your orange purse:)

  10. You are getting a ton finished. Where does the pattern for the orange purse come from? I love it. And is there a link to the 'Scrappy Stash Quilt Along." All your projects are wonderful.

  11. Oh wow, you have made serious progress on that hustle!! I really don't think I've got very far with my list at all, i'm a bit afraid to look at it again!!

  12. You are amazing! Seeing all your progress is inspiring! Beautiful projects, I am loving that quilt for Bunny!

  13. Wow you've gotten alot done! Love where your scrappy stash is headed!

  14. Hadn't heard of the hustle, but I like your progress! Just love those pillows, and the bag too! And the potholder--unde anhour even with binding? Yay!


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