
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vintage Holiday QAL Week 9: Quilting

I had to laugh last Friday afternoon when I looked up from stacking my quilt layers on the kitchen floor in preparation for basting. My three daughters had dragged their chairs and pillows over near the edge of the carpet, each having decided that watching me was going to be far more entertaining than seeing another episode of Peep and the Big Wide World. When I asked if they were sure they wouldn't rather watch their show instead, Bunny insisted, "But Mommy, we like watching you!"

In spite of the audience that was riveted to my every move, I was able to get the quilt basted fairly quickly and move on to the quilting. I'm still loving the wavy stitch on my Brother right now, and since I have yet to make a quilt for our family using that quilting style, this seemed like a good time to do it.

I absolutely love the way this looks like streamers falling down the surface of the quilt. This is by far the easiest quilting technique I've tried yet. Some time I need to play around with the other stitch settings on my machine for more possibilities.

I can't wait to see how you all decide to quilt yours. Be sure to share pictures as soon as they're done!

Linking up to the Let's Get Acquainted Monday Link-up.


  1. Mind is in the quilt frame and hope to have it out tomorrow.

  2. I finished my top today, but quilting isn't going to be an option for a while. The Dr. said no crawling on the floor and basting quilts, sad day for me! I have been contemplating taking it to a long-armer just so it doesn't sit in my sewing room and taunt me. :)

  3. Oh my gosh - how cute is that!!!

  4. It's great that your machine has a wavy stitch. Mine has nothing ; )

  5. oh, that looks fantastic! I love this quilting!!!! I'm planning on hand quilting mine, so it will take a little while.

  6. That's so funny about your daughters! Cute story and photo. :)

  7. That top photo of your daughters has to be the best quilting photo I've seen this year! So cute! They're very proud of their Mummy :)

  8. Your quilt turned out great and I do love the wavy quilting. Excellent job. Plus I love seeing a pic of your audience. Maybe future sewers in the making!

  9. I love the picture of your daughters with their chairs pulled up to watch you make your quilt! You should frame that one!

  10. That stitch pattern looks great. I've been wondering about using some of the decorative stitches on my machine for quilting. I'm inspired now!

  11. I'm catching up on my blog reading and got such a chuckle from the first picture. I have three daughters- much older thank yours- and this photo reminds me of them. Happy quilting.

  12. This is wonderful. Isn't brother's wavy stitch great? And it's faster than anything else for some reason. LOVE your audience!!! :-)

  13. Hi Heidi!
    I love this photo, the fact that the girls like watching you, and I sure love all 4 of you! Great job on all you are creating. :-)

  14. The wavy stitch looks pretty good! I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I'm ready to quilt a project. Thanks for the inspiration!


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