
Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I've been thinking back to the beginning of my sewing career, and I'm pretty certain that I've never sewn anything for a boy before. That changed this weekend. My grandparents were visiting us from back east, and it turns out that one of my cousins is expecting a baby boy this week. I started this quilt on Saturday night and finished it Sunday afternoon, working on it in short spurts between meals, church, and other family activities. It was a hectic timetable, but I was so glad to be able to finish it in time to send it along.

I wasn't sure that I had any fabric on hand that would work for a boy's quilt until I remembered the charm pack I've been saving from Ellen Luckett Baker's Quilt Blocks collection. I pulled out a few squares and started playing around with them on a background of Kona Coal. It's only a simple plus pattern, but I love the way this turned out. These prints remind me of gears and architectural diagrams, so I'm calling this quilt "Structure."

The quilt is backed in more Kona along with another one of the Quilt Blocks prints, and I bound it in a green and white squiggle print by Rashinda Coleman-Hale from Cute Bots.

I would have loved to do more with the quilting, but I just didn't have enough time to do more than outline the formation in the center. As it was, I ended up hiding out in my room for almost an hour on Sunday trying to sew on the binding as fast as my fingers could work since they were leaving the next morning. I have at least one other friend expecting this fall, so there will be another baby quilt in the works soon. This next one is supposed to be a girl, though, so I shouldn't have any trouble finding fabric that will work.

Linking up to Fabric Tuesday.


  1. That turned out very very cute!

  2. I don't think I've ever sewn anything for a boy either! Very cute.

  3. Great desing and perfect fabrics for a baby boy!

  4. A great quilt for a little boy...I always end up hiding somewhere to finish a present...


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