
Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today I'll be working with this stack of Millie's Closet charm squares that I cut from a layer cake yesterday. I have two days to whip out a baby quilt for an old friend of mine, and I'm hoping to get most of it done this afternoon.

There's still time to enter this week's blog hop giveaway here. I can't tell you how much I've appreciated the feedback that you've all given me about what you'd like to see on Fabric Mutt in the next year. It helps so much to know what's most helpful to you, and my head has been spinning with all sorts of ideas as I've been reading your comments. I'm so excited about the possibilities ahead!

Have a happy day!

Linking up with WIP Wednesday.


  1. I really like this collection too! I got the fabric from it to make her pattern "Millie's Dresses". I hope to start it this fall as a gift for my grandmother. I enjoy your blog and look forward to seeing more!

  2. Love the colours! Thanks for the reminder regarding the giveaway!

  3. I love almost all of the prints in that collection! Can't wait to see the baby quilt, and it sounds like we won't have to wait very long. ;)

  4. They are lovely colours - can't wait to see the quilt you make.


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