
Friday, August 10, 2012

No Sew

Have you ever had a week with no sewing? Not a week when you're not doing anything because you're burned out on sewing, but a week when you desperately want to sew but have no time to do it? That's me right now. I keep walking past the classroom and throwing longing looks at my sewing corner...

Last night I finally got about half an hour to start cutting fabric. What a treat! I absolutely love the new Madrona Road collection -- my fat eighth bundle is from Amanda's wonderful Etsy shop -- and it was great to pull it out and start to play with it. There are at least two projects in the works here...I can't wait to see how they come together. My husband has promised me more time to sew this weekend, and I'm so looking forward to it.

There are now more than eighty of you in the Vintage Holiday flickr group, and I love seeing all the great pictures you're putting up of your blocks. I'll have the next two ready to show on Monday. These quilts are going to be so beautiful!

Meanwhile, I'd love to hear how all of you fit in your sewing time around your jobs and family life. How do you make it work?


  1. Ooh such pretty fabrics!! I hope you get some sewing time on the weekend! Sometimes it's needed for sanity isn't it!

  2. Why yes! I do have those weeks! It makes me itchy.

  3. We all have those weeks! When life is REALLY busy, I sneak even 15 minutes at a time into the sewing room & it helps relieve the stress so much!
    Madrona road IS really nice - I got some bits & pieces...

  4. Back in the day when I homeschooled, I had to wait for supper to be over before I could sew. Now I get up early and can sew for half an hour or so before I have to get ready for work. Days off, I can spend a couple of hours in there so it's nice.

  5. Well, our house is less tidy since I started sewing.... I don't have a family, but work can keep me very busy, and when you add in volunteering too, sometimes it just doesn't work. I like having some hand sewing on the go, as it's easier to pick up and put down when interrupted, so you can sew and cook dinner, for example.

  6. I get those weeks. Some of the time it is because my daughter has taken over the machine, some of te time I am too tired to think stitchy. And the house being a mess gives me less energy to do stuff!And other times when I have an order on, for costumes I have to do it anyway!


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